Subject: Friend, here is your Aha! Moment Monday ⭐

I remember being in the audience of The Fifth Dimension in San Francisco years ago.

The lighting in the room had a peacefulness about it and the crowd became quiet in anticipation as keyboard music began to fill the club. Then the band members slowly emerged from the corners of the room, moving toward the stage. One began to sing the lyrics of what has become one of my favourite songs of all time, “When the moon is in the Seventh house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars. Then peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars.” It was magical!

In their song, the 5th Dimension describes The Age of Aquarius like this:

Harmony and understanding

Sympathy and trust abounding

No more falsehoods or derisions

Golden living dreams of visions

Mystic crystal revelation

And the mind's true liberation


Perhaps it was my life-long fascination with the night sky and the mysticism of astrology that pulled me in, but every time the song played on the radio, through my recorder or in my head, I would feel the contradiction of current reality and envision our existence as described in the song. I wanted that!

Aha! ~ And here we are.

The Age of Aquarius. The knowledge bearer. The great reveal. The rise of conscience. The old crumbling, giving way to the creation of the new.

Jupiter, the Great Benefactor planet, entered Aries January 19th and as of today, all planets are moving direct. Translation: it’s GO time. We are here.

You are living in the greatest time in history. This is when those of you who choose to see, then answer the calling of your soul’s purpose, will bring your greatest dreams into fruition and lift humanity into this new age of oneness. It will require that you accept the knowledge being presented, be willing and humble to release what no longer serves, and take responsibility for your own awakening and liberation.

It will be uncomfortable and unstable but that’s okay. Hear the words of Eckart Tolle, “Being at ease with not knowing is crucial for answers to come to you.” And remember, we’re in this together.

My latest book, 50 Simple Ways to Release the Shackles of Self-Sabotage is in its final stages. Watch your email for the launch date so together, we can boldly unleash our true power. Join us here tomorrow – Tuesday, January 24th – at NOON eastern for more on this powerful Age.

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