Subject: Friend, here is your Aha! Moment Monday ⭐

In my neighbourhood, Hallowe’en seemed to be a much-scaled-down event this year.  Not as many decorated homes and certainly the fewest trick-or-treaters by far.  Hallowe’en itself has ritualistic roots so it’s understandable why many would rather we do away with it.  But seeing kiddies delightfully skip from house to house collecting edible gifts actually makes me smile.  It brings the neighbourhood together in a fun way with an element of sharing.

Mostly I love to see the costumes.

Did they choose to be a princess, a cop, a cartoon icon, or a superhero?  Not sure if there is any science around what costumes say about your personality or state of mind at the time you choose, but I must confess that mine in earlier years was Wonder Woman  At some level, way back when, she was my hero.

At my SENSORY MEDIA® book launch, Michele Bailey, best-selling author of The Currency of Gratitude surprised me in her presentation, saying, “Warren Buffet says, ‘choose the right heroes’.  Jae, you are my hero.”

In a mastermind call with Dr. Jussi Eerikainen, neuroplasticity expert and best-selling author of Transforming Vibes, Transforming Lives, we discussed this and what it means to be a hero.  Is it someone external who swoops in and saves the day, or is it someone who, through their superpowers, inspires yours to burn brighter?

Aha! ~ the most meaningful heroes in your life are the ones who enable you to be the hero you’re meant to be

A hero may bring knowledge, information, resources, a service, food, shelter, or an ear, or can be a collaborative partner; Dr. Jussi and I agreed that the most meaningful heroes show you the way.  They often lead by example, may even offer to coach, and will become integrated into your life – for a moment or a lifetime – in a way that supports your evolution and brilliance.

Choose your company carefully; choose them as your heroes.  They are, after all, fuel for your superpowers.

If you were dressing for Hallowe’en right now, what or who would you be?  Let’s discuss the importance of surrounding yourself with inspiring heroes. Join in Aha! Moment Trailblazers|Facebook tomorrow – TUESDAY, November 8th and NOON eastern.

Succeed Deliberately!

Jae M. Rang, MAS           

Strategist, Speaker, Author, Mom

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