Subject: Friend, here is your Aha! Moment Monday ⭐

There’s nothing more fun than having fun!

Now, the definition of “fun” is different for different people, but one thing we all have in common is that we love a good laugh; in fact, it feels good to laugh! 

And to say it “feels good to laugh” is no joke!

Laughter not only lifts us emotionally, it is proven to decrease stress hormones and increase immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies.  It really does feel good to laugh!

Laughter keeps our bodies at ease, the polar opposite of the dis-ease state that stress imposes.  Even more good news: the effects of laughter can last for several minutes afterward because it triggers the release of endorphins and serotonin, the “feel good” chemicals.

Have you ever caught yourself laughing out loud at a book you’re reading or a video you’re watching in a crowded waiting room, or laughing at yourself tripping over, well, nothing on the sidewalk?  Did you notice that when you began to laugh, people around you looked up, smiled, or laughed along with you?

Why is that?

Is laughter such a welcomed distraction or is it a hidden desire to connect to one another?

Aha! ~ Nothing brings us together like laughter

“Humour and laughter are infectious and can bring people together and make them forget their troubles, and are some of the best tools to maintain a positive outlook and good health,”  writes Mack Lemouse in Health Guidance. “Laughter is also correlated with mental health and has many social and interpersonal benefits. With all these benefits, laughter is an antidepressant, painkiller, workout, stress-reliever, and a great way to make friends and strengthen bonds.”

Have we been too serious or too stressed for too long?  If laughter is a healthy common denominator amongst humans, giving us a great sense of connectivity and belonging, bring it on!

I’ll start.

I just began reading a book about helium. It is so good I can’t put it down!

(Your turn)

Join us LIVE tomorrow – July 26th – in Aha! Moment Trailblazers|Facebook for a good laugh!  Bring your favourite “funny”.

Succeed Deliberately!

Jae M. Rang, MAS           

Strategist, Speaker, Author, Mom

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