Subject: Friend, here is your Aha! Moment Monday ⭐

Do you set boundaries for yourself?

Maybe it’s a boundary in a spending plan, or a boundary of toleration or influence, or maybe a territorial boundary of sorts?

It’s not uncommon for coaches or parents to suggest boundaries to protect you from potential harm. “Boundary” has become a really common word to ensure we live life safely.

But I’d like to challenge that.

I was listening to someone who, 15 years ago started an exceptional journey of expanded consciousness by purchasing a book on meditation, then, through study and exercise groomed himself into one who could communicate telepathically with other souls. In the interview, he was asked if he set boundaries with his energy in order to not be negatively affected by conversations or others’ energy that he might inadvertently invite in. His response was that the only way to truly experience life is without any boundaries whatsoever.

The Interviewer questioned this asking if he could be harmed by allowing anything and everything to enter his personal, electromagnetic field and he informed that if whatever or whoever showed up somehow affected him negatively, then it was simply another soul shining a light on healing he needed to deal with within himself. The only way to live purely and without censorship of any kind, he said, was to be “crystal clear”.

Doesn’t that transparency require vulnerability? Would it not be better to set boundaries based on past trauma and not have to deal with it again and again (you know, “Once bitten, twice shy”?)

Aha! ~ Trust that it’s all for good.

When what is approaching appears toxic, negative, or that you recognize as not aligning with your intentions or values, if there is no hurt or lessons to deal with, it’ll all likely just pass by you without incidence. If it permeates enough for you to take note, maybe there is a little more growing required.

What I’ve come to recognize is that those who are abundantly in love with life as well as in love with who they are as a living soul, don’t resist, defend or exclude. They carry on, standing firm in their power – a trust that it’s all happening for a reason – and entertain all experiences and encounters as essential parts of their unique journey.

For me, I focus on holding the vision of what I want to create and with who, then let ‘er rip. I know what feels right and what doesn’t – what IS right and what is NOT - and allow my intuition to be my guide as to where my attention and intention go. Creating a safe environment is essential for children but just how much protection is healthy for an adult human with free will, perception, and reasoning factors?

What barrier might be holding you back?

This weekend I embark on lesson one in my Self-Sabotage Coaching Program. I am SO excited and can’t wait to share what I am learning so we can all bust through limiting beliefs and live in the abundance we so deserve. Watch for more we birth Human U – the UnSchool for those ready to Succeed Deliberately. Pop on the membership so you don’t miss a thing AND email me with what boundary you’re ready to kick to the curb!

Succeed Deliberately!

Jae M. Rang, MAS           

Strategist, Speaker, Author, Mom

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