Subject: Friend, here is your Aha! Moment Monday 💫

In an event I co-chaired last week, the success, in part, resulted in a donation to the local Humane Society.

While the event itself wasn’t a fundraiser, we did incorporate some activities into the event to benefit our community partner.

At dinner, when we presented the cheque and BIG heap of cage towels to the HS officials, they jumped up and down and hugged us like we had just given them the keys to the kingdom.
It was adorable to watch.
What happened was that it made us feel like we all had done something super special and everyone was witness that their efforts were gratefully appreciated.

Here’s the thing.

While the donation was generous considering the size of the group and will help in the Humane Society’s meaningful work, it certainly isn’t going to cover their operating budget for any length of time.
It didn’t matter.
It was met with enthusiasm and sheer delight.

Aha – appreciate everything like it’s the first time.

After the event, I sent a letter, with pictures attached, to the department heads at the venue appreciating all departments and some specific individuals.
It was important to me that they knew my co-chair and I recognized their diligence in bringing our vision to life and that, together, we created an exceptional experience for the attendees.

I’ve been involved with countless events and witnessed success about as many times.
It doesn’t matter.
I wrote the letter like it was a first.

When your employees walk through the door this morning, welcome them back with enthusiasm.

When you take that conference call, marvel in the technology that allows you to communicate instantly around the globe.
Have lunch outside and breathe in the peacefulness and natural abundance that surrounds you.

Mostly, be in awe of yourself....often.

Like you, we’ve done many events since this one that we wrote about in 2016.  Each was memorable because of our enthusiasm for creation and what we accomplish together.  Practice pausing to become fully aware of the awesomeness of life and mostly of YOU.  Get ready to take #AHumanApproach.  You are one Aha! away from your BEST life.

Succeed Deliberately!

Jae M. Rang, MAS           

Strategist, Speaker, Author, Mom

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