Subject: Friend, When Autopilot steers you in the wrong direction

Have you ever driven down the highway five or six miles and then realized you don’t remember the stretch?

I did that the other day.  I was so in my thoughts that I went three exits past mine. When I came back to the present, I was grateful that my subconscious, programmed to manage all the driving details, did so, both brilliantly and safely!

That’s the programming’s upside. It has a downside, too.

I mean, have you ever said something to yourself that sounded like, “I know I should get outside and exercise more.”, “I know I should not waste so much time scrolling.”, “I know I should be drinking more water.”, “I know I need to learn to say “No”.”, “I know I should get to bed earlier.” … and you can and do these things for a short period of time then eventually return to being you?

Yep – self-sabotage. We all do it! 

I’m here to tell you that it’s not your fault. Your programming is running the show.

The truth is, we’re on autopilot most of the time (like over 99%). Hard to believe, eh?

And the programming – influenced by thousands of people - has such a grip that it can completely override your intelligent mind. 

Is it time for freedom? Are you ready to release those shackles and step into who you’re meant to be?

Click here to watch a super fun clip on how easy our minds are hacked! Seriously, you’ll love this!

Then … click here to be among the FIRST to receive 50 Simple Ways to Release the Shackles of Self-Sabotage and some ultra cool gifts for jumping in early.

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