Subject: Friend, Top 10 Excuses

Hello Friend ~

You would think that everyone wants to be their best, I mean, why wouldn’t you?  Don’t we all aspire to health, wealth, and happiness?

Well, let’s take a look.

If we wanted our body to operate optimally, we would only feed it pure nutrition in the quantity and at the appropriate time that supports it.  But somehow alcohol, sugar, caffeine, processed and pesticide-drenched foods find their way into our system and blue light gives way to sunlight far too often.

If we wanted to be wealthy, we’d spend time studying under those who have the key and commit to doing the heavy lifting required to sharpen our axe.  But somehow Netflix, “the game”, and other distractions consume our precious time.

If we wanted to be happy, we’d spend more time doing what we love with people who celebrate us.  But somehow “work” has become a four-letter word associated with paying the bills, we go along to get along and being grateful for less has become acceptable.

It’s natural for us to want to expand – we’re not designed to play small – but our behaviour is often contrary to what our intelligent mind knows doesn’t serve. How do we let that happen?

The truth is, we don’t.  We’re actually programmed that way.  And rather than challenge the paradigm that runs the program, we make excuses.

I’ve compiled a Top 10 list of lousy excuses (and sometimes downright lies) that disempower us. Do you have a favourite?

#10 – IDK.  In court they’ll tell you, “Ignorance of the law is no excuse”.  Gravity operates pretty much the same way.  The rules of achievement apply whether you know them or not.  Get to know them.

#9 - Victimization.  Laying blame elsewhere for what you don’t have or can’t achieve – the government, family, school – means you’re allowing someone else to control you. You’re the boss of you.

#8 - Money.  “It costs money to eat well, it costs money to go to school, it costs money to have the things that make me happy.”  No, no and no.  “Money doesn’t start the idea, it’s the idea that starts the money.” ~ Cameron.  Get into the vibration of your desire and attract what you need to get there. 

#7 – Confidence.  If you’re shy or not a risk-taker by nature, this excuse may be your best friend, but confidence comes from doing. 

#6 – Time.  There are always considerable demands on your time – especially if you hold a position and have a family – however priorities are driven by values.  Put on your own oxygen mask first. 

#6 – It’s not fun. The “pro-teen” – professional teenager – looks for fun and entertainment as opposed to adulting up to what’s required of them. Life isn’t supposed to be easy it’s supposed to be meaningful.

#5 - Procrastination.  Waiting for someone else or something else before you make your move towards health and freedom only delays the outcome.  Just start.

#4 – Nobility.  We’ve been conditioned to believe that poverty is noble and to chase money is sinful.  Money isn’t meant to make you happy, it’s meant to make you comfortable. Money allows you to experience life more fully and helps you help others to do same.  Get comfy talking about money.

#3 – Genetics.  “It runs in the family”.  Whatever “it” is likely has about a 1-2% effect.  Yes, we are programmed by our family and our bodies hold up to six generations of memory, but we can change the programming at will.

#2 – Rejection.  If you lose weight, make more money, achieve a higher status, you risk making those in your family/community/group feel uncomfortable and being left out.  Find a new tribe.

#1 – Fear.  The biggie.  This one underscores all others.  It’s one we admit to when we get real with ourselves.  But fear is living in the past or future.  The present loves courage.

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