Subject: Bible Story Advent Calendar - Pre-Order by 10/31! ✝️🎄🎁

NEW Christmas Gift - Early Birds 30% OFF

The "Christmas Advent Calendar" is a time-honored Western tradition in which Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ during the Christmas month.

This Christmas Advent Calendar in both Chinese and English, originally designed by two stay-at-home mothers, is full of surprises and ingenuity!

A big picture book presented with 12 gift bags and 12 small books within, with beautiful hand-drawn illustrations and easy-to-understand text, telling the story of the birth of Jesus Christ in chronological order. You can open a gift bag with your child every day, read a short story, and enjoy the parent-child reading experience.

This December, let's read the story of the birth of Jesus together to receive and enjoy the best gift from God!

Originally $36 -- NOW 30% off until Oct 31

Refund Policy - You may apply for a full refund if we don’t ship before Nov or if we don’t have enough stock.