Subject: Progress Report of the Executive Planning Team

Chinese Mission Convention (CMC) South 2018
Progress Report of the Executive Planning Team
by Elder Charles Yuan, Managing Director, Jan. 17, 2018

Praise God for leading Ambassadors for Christ and dedicated volunteers from many southern Chinese Churches to partner together in planning for Chinese Mission Convention South 2018, December 26-29 at the Hilton Americas Hotel, Houston. CMC’s mission is mobilizing Christ followers to become reproducing Kingdom-builders and CMC South 2018’s theme is “Unleashed together for God’s Global Glory: Living in the Light of Eternity.” We pray God will call 2,800 people to attend and 500 to make the decision to follow God’s calling on their lives, being sent to every corner of the world spreading the Gospel!

The various teams have been working hard in planning and I am humbled and glad to summarize and report some progress for your prayer: 

Prayer and Mobilization: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand” Ephesians 6:12-13. To prepare for CMC South 2018 is to engage in spiritual warfare! As fully armored Christian soldiers, we seek first God’s Kingdom and righteousness, praying for His Will to be done in CMC South 2018! We pray in the partner churches weekly and Houston Chinese Churches Minister Fellowship bimonthly. A Joint Prayer Meeting was held in August in the Houston Area and we plan to hold similar prayer meetings in the Dallas and Austin Areas. 

Promotion and Publicity: We will promote through literature, multi-media, and various social media as our “air forces”. Certainly, “ground forces” are essential to achieve the final victory. We will call, write, or visit the alumni of CMC South 2015 and follow-up with the over 200 Chinese Churches throughout 16 US Southern States, inviting them each to be partner churches and help pray and encourage their members to participate in the exciting and life-changing opportunity of CMC South 2018! 

Core CMC Programs- Chinese, English, Youth, Children, and Chinese Speaking College Student: Each team has an experienced leader and excellent team members who hold monthly meetings via video conference to pray and plan together, praise the Lord!
The Chinese program will hear from plenary speakers Rev. Jamie Taylor, Dr. Philemon Choi, Rev. Joshua Ting, Dr. Y. C. Bor, and Rev. Samuel Chow, following the Theme’s Storyline of Proclaiming the Gospel, Living out the Gospel, and Enduring for the Gospel including group sharing /discussion and six tracks of workshops. The Chinese Speaking College Student program will have a specially designed program and activities and also join some portions of the Chinese program.
The English program will hear from speakers Rev. Jamie Taylor, Rev. Kenneth Bae, Ms. Becky Pippert, and Rev. J. R. Vassar. They will have four workshop tracks and special small group sessions. The Youth program plenary speaker is Rev. Aaron Bouldac. They too will have specially planned program and activities and will join portions of English program. The Children’s program is colorful in many aspects-- handicrafts, song and dance, magician’s show; combining Bible story telling with fun. Currently, we are recruiting 29 Super team members to lead and take care of 200 anticipated children. In addition, the convention will have exhibition for Mission Organizations and sales of books, multi-media, and resources. We still seek volunteers, including leaders in Logistics and the Chinese Next Step Ministry.
Thank you for your partnership and support. We truly need your fervent prayer to our faithful God. May all the Glory be to God! Amen!
總幹事: 袁昶黎長老 2018_01_17

感謝讚美神!祂重用基督使者協會及美南眾教會來籌劃2018美南華人差傳大會! 差傳大會預訂於2018年12月26至29日在休士頓市希爾頓大飯店舉行。其宗旨在激勵、裝備和事奉基督徒, 並於所有族群中造就越來越多之門徒,建立神的國度。 此次大會主題為「破繭齊出同頌主榮:心繫永恆」,禱告求神有2,800人報名參與, 500多位弟兄姊妹願意揹起十字架,順服主耶穌的呼召,被差遣到世界各個角落傳揚基督榮耀、大能及救贖之福音。

經過禱告及群策群力的努力籌劃下, 容我向各位報告進度如下:

禱告推動小組以弗所書 6:12-13,“ 因我們並不是與屬血氣的爭戰, 乃是與那些執政的、掌權的、管轄這幽暗世界的, 以及天空屬靈氣的惡魔爭戰。所以, 要拿起神所賜的全副軍裝, 好在磨難的日子抵擋仇敵, 並且成就了一切, 還能站立得住。” 籌辦2018美南華人差傳大會更是屬靈的爭戰, 作為穿戴神所賜全副軍裝的基督精兵, 首先要尋求神國度的建立及旨意的成就, 及向祂求賜屬靈的能力, 平時在休士頓教牧雙月聯禱會及夥伴教會每週的禱告會進行, 也於8/19/17在曉士頓中國教會舉行著第一次休士頓地區聯合禱告會, 並計劃在其他美南地區舉辦, 及定期發佈代禱事項。

宣傳推廣我們嚐試由平面到多媒體,社交傳媒(email,wechat,line,facebook,twitter), 網站, 宣傳短片(2分鐘) 等等。 除了“空軍”作戰, 還要進行“步兵地面作戰”, 還用電話及實地探訪美南16州200多家華人基督教會及宣教機構並邀請加入夥伴群,一起同心禱告和邀請基督徒與慕道友ㄧ同參與這振奮人心、改變生命, 三年一次之美南差傳大會。目前海報、網頁及短片正在製作中, 見證文 章及消息已在號角月報連續刊登中。電視與廣播宣傳正在準備中。

大會節目部依年齡及語言分中文、英文、青年、兒童、及中國青年學生五組, 各有資深牧師領導及與數位同工組成團隊, 定期召開網上視頻討論會。

中文節目組主題講員有戴繼宗牧師、蔡元雲醫師、陳世宗牧師、柏有成博士、及周學信牧師等。每個主題講座前均有敬拜讚美及見證分享,講座之後有小組分享討論,注重宣教行動力的六大方向專題講座。 此外, 會場還設有宣教機構之展示攤位, 及多媒體與圖書資源之供應。中國青年學生組 除了參與中文組部份講座, 還有專為他們設計之節目及活動。

英文節目組目前邀請到的主題講員有Rev.Jamie Taylor, Kenneth Bae, Becky Pippert, 及 Rev.J.R.Vassar。還有四大方向的專題講座。

青年組除了參與英文組部份講座, 還有專題講員Rev.Aaron Bouldac, 並設有牧長輔導員及青年作小組長。

兒童組更是多彩多姿, 編排寓教於樂之聖經故事、勞作、唱遊、及魔術表演節目, 現正徵求29位“超級主日學教師” 帶領照顧200位孩童。


後勤部包括報名、主題講員接待、專題講座投影音響工作員、會場招待員, 及搬運義工等。迫切需要一位總協調同工。


禱求神速差派有異象, 有膽識的同工來共赴主命, 同成主工! 我們向神誠懇、謙卑、及迫切地禱告, 願所有榮耀歸給三一真神! 阿們!

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