Subject: CMC2016 Evaluation

Please Help Us Evaluate

Dear CMC 2016 Attendee,

Praise the Lord for what He has done through His Word, the speakers, the worship teams, the volunteers and one another. It is our prayer that all the things you experienced and heard in Baltimore would continue to stir in your heart. The Next Step ministry is here to help you as you consider what might be next: Chinese and English.

We want your feedback! What did you love about CMC and what ideas might you have on how it can be better. We value your responses! If you have not filled out the evaluation form, please fill out this brief survey online.

Thank you and Happy New Year 2017!

The CMC 2016 Executive & Registration Teams

PS – If you are a group leader from your Church, please forward this email to your group members.

感謝神!神藉著祂的話語成就了大事工。無論是講員、敬拜團隊、後勤團隊或其他服事團隊,我們向神祈求、禱告,期望您在差傳大會中所經歷到所聽到的信息,能持續地影響您的心。「下一步」事工會幫助您去思考下一步的可能性:中文組下一步事工 以及 英文組下一步事工



2016 差傳大会執行委員會 & 註冊組

21 Ambassador Drive, Paradise, PA 17562, United States
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