Subject: 《从非洲到中国,满怀爱意》:一部跨越文化与信仰的壮丽史诗



40 年 真人 真事

40 Years of true stories

当十岁的彼得·安德森(Peter Anderson)被召唤到中国时,谁能想象这一呼唤会如何激动人心地实现——四十年间游历中国的每一个角落,遇见多个民族,参与多起引人注目(有时也是令人心碎)的事件,并见证上帝的作为!这本书是他多年在台湾、香港和中国大陆生活的许多令人震惊、改变生活的见证。

When Peter Anderson was called to China at the age of ten, who could have imagined the thrilling realization of that call—four decades of traveling to every corner of China, encountering various Chinese ethnic groups, participating in dramatic (and sometimes heartbreaking) events, and witnessing the work of God! This book is a collection of many astonishing, life-changing testimonies from his years living in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and mainland China.

This book is not only the culmination of Peter Anderson's many years of hard work but also his profound insights into faith and cultural exchange. It serves as both an autobiography and a grand epic about faith, culture, and the human spirit.


Author Biography

彼得·S·安德森(Peter S. Anderson),前建华基金会(Jian Hua Foundation,简称JHF)的国际主任,已经在中国事工中服务超过45年。

彼得和他已故的妻子杰拉琳(Geralyn)曾在1976年至1982年与海外传教团(OMF)在台湾服侍,随后在1982年至2005年与“中国之友”(Friends of China)和JHF在香港和中国大陆进行服务。从2006年至2016年,他和他的“第二次恩典”伊丽莎白(Elizabeth)在新西兰奥克兰牧养了一个多文化教会。在过去的十多年里,彼得一直是凯瑞浸信会学院(Carey Baptist College)的客座讲师,用中文和英文教授“上帝的使命”(The Mission of God)课程。

Peter S. Anderson, a former International Director of Jian Hua Foundation (JHF) has been in Chinese ministry for over 45 years.

Peter and his late wife Geralyn served with OMF in Taiwan (1976–82) followed by service in Hong Kong and mainland China (1982–2005) with Friends of China and JHF. From 2006–2016 he and his “second blessing” Elizabeth pastored a multi-cultural church in Auckland, New Zealand. For over ten years Peter has been a guest lecturer at Carey Baptist College teaching “The Mission of God” course in both Chinese and English.




"Peter Anderson's unique journey spans the decades since China's doors first began to reopen to the outside world, an era of unprecedented change... A skillful storyteller, Peter weaves together this unfolding narrative with personal anecdotes of God's amazing work revealed in the lives of students, entrepreneurs, peasants, officials, and modern-day heroes of faith—a highly engaging account."

布伦特·富尔顿博士(Dr. Brent Fulton)



"What a narrative! How skillfully Peter has woven a rich tapestry of personal memories, ethnography, close-up observations of organizations like Friends of China and Jian Hua Foundation, and much more!... The photos alone are stunning."

G·怀特·道尔博士(Dr. G. Wright Doyle)


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I Come from Africa

Surprised that I had greeted him in Chinese, the man sitting opposite me on the train asked, "Where do you come from?" "I come from Zimbabwe in Africa," I replied. "From Africa? But you are the wrong color!" Being 'white' and a 'long-nosed foreigner',' it would have been no surprise had I told the man I was from America or Britain or somewhere in Europe. He nodded understandingly when I explained that yes, although I was from Zimbabwe most of my forebears came from Europe.

On another long train journey in China, I got chatting to a retired cadre- turned businessman. Mr Wang had an incredible story. He shared some vivid childhood memories of living under the Japanese occupation and went on to speak about the Nationalist/Communist Civil War, 'Liberation', the Cultural Revolution, and the rise of Deng Xiaoping.

When I suggested he should write up his story he replied wistfully, "It's not the time to write true history. I would only get myself and my family into trouble."

As I tell my story, I trust I will not get anyone into trouble. My aim is to bring honor to the One who calls us to follow, and to share some of the wonderful things I have seen Him do. God called me from Africa to China but let me begin by mentioning my early forebears who followed God's call to Africa.

Born in London, William Anderson (1769-1852) of the London Missionary Society (LMS) was amongst the earliest Christian missionaries to South Africa, serving for fifty-two years. His great grandson, my grandfather, William Wardlaw Anderson (1888-1978), together with my grandmother Sheila, served with the LMS in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) for almost 60 years.

My maternal grandparents too were missionaries in Africa. My mother's father Reuben Bishop Flinn (1887-1988) arrived in Kenya in October 1813 a recruit with the Africa Inland Mission (AIM).

He married Miss Elizabeth Ann Thompson a young worker with the Heart of Africa Mission' which had been founded five years earlier by C.T Studd, the famous cricketer and missionary to China."

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