Subject: reFresh Advent reflections invite

You are invited to join reFresh in reflecting on this Advent Season
Free to you...
During this Advent season, we are offering you an invitation to rest each week and reflect on the expectant arrival of the most important birth in the entire universe. 

To sign up and join us, click on the manger picture below. We look forward to helping you enter into this Advent season with intentionality and hope. 
Clicking on the reFresh logo will take you to the reFresh website. Here you will find resources to help you frolic, linger and saunter with the Lord. 
Advent began Sunday November 30th. 
 Emails will arrive to your inbox around 1:30 am your time each Sunday during this season.  

May this Advent season draw you closer to the Lord as you marvel at His great gift.
4594 SW Comus PL, Portland, OR 97219, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.