Subject: Friend will you be stung?

Are you waiting 
to be stung?
Beekeepers know what they are dealing with.  They are well informed of their work environment and take protective measures to avoid being stung well before they place themselves at risk. 

So then, why do most Americans willfully remain ignorant and take no protective measures when dealing with the most egregious, aggressive, tyrannical government agency which wields the power to ruin lives and does so routinely without checks or balances?

Friend, I hate to say it, but the chances are, you are likely to be just one of those people!   

Hardly a week goes by when I don't get contacted by someone, who, all of a sudden, is highly motivated to get the IRS Freedom Package.  And I ask, 'what is the urgency?'  "They just took my tax refund and cleaned out my bank account!" 

I want to say, "But you silly man, you KNOW the environment you are in and yet you want to handle the bees without a protective suit?  The suit can't help you've already been stung!"

Read on...
I.R.S. is used as a political weapon
Hey!  Don't worry!  So long as you are in total agreement with, and are a full supporter of the current regime, you may have nothing to worry about!  Well, that is unless the current state of bankruptcy forces IRS to stick its hands into every pocket and bank account in the land including yours, just because they can!  

Not in agreement with the current regime...? 
Don't be ignorant.  See how this works...              

I.R.S. Targets Christians
We know from federal training manuals that today's government training teaches it's puppets that potential 'domestic terrorists' include; evangelical christians, veterans and 2nd Amendment supporters, constitutionalists and basically anyone who prefers freedom to big government.  Where do you fit on that list? 
Have a look at what's going on....               

Tax Collections Get Aggressive
As governments continue to come up short on bloated bankrupt budgets; tax burdens, collections and outright theft are on the rise! 

Read More: 

So Friend,  will you put on the suit and avoid the big sting?  Or do you prefer status quo and just wait to be stung like most people, as the IRS gets more aggressive every day? 

If you decide to permanently change your relationship with the I.R.S. it's not difficult to do.   You already know about the IRS Freedom Package.  That's all you need and you're done with that.  In case you missed it, I've put together a new video which explains it in a bit more detail which you'll find on the page. 

As a reminder, the price goes up $150 this Saturday, no exceptions.  You can save that much by acting this week by Friday night. You'll save much, much more by simply NOT GETTING STUNG!

Whatever you do, you've been warned. The rest is up to you. 

Have a great week! 


Note:  Law Club Members get a 20% discount.  Find the special members link in the members area of the website.  

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