Subject: Your future in Strategy 2020?

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Please clue me in on 
your status
Hello  Friend, 

I've noticed that your status in Tradera has gone 'inactive'.   I'd like to know if this is intentional or simply an oversight and a matter of putting your subscription on 'Auto Billing'.    If it's an oversight please log in and review your subscriptions and billing and make sure it is set to Auto-Billing so you don't go inactive and miss anything.  

If it's not an oversight please contact me and let me know your situation so we can review and revise where needed. 

You know, all you need is 3 referrals and your monthly is FREE.   10 total sales in your group and your earnings of $125 a week more than pay for it. 

Tradera is an important part of STRATEGY 2020 and should be a reliable source of weekly income as your Profit Centers #2 & #3 in the program.  

Success is within everyone's reach.  We have everything one needs to succeed in the 'Success Training' community center.  Have you explored our resources there? 

Please let me know where we stand.   I hope I can contribute to your success.


If you need any help look me up on Wire or email me at
PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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