Subject: You do NOT want to go there!

You do NOT want to go there!

Hello Friend, 

Consider the following facts which can be verified six ways from Sunday;
  1. Hell is real
  2. Many people in hell called themselves 'Christians'
  3. Most people alive today are going there and they don't have a clue.

This is not opinion, conjecture or 'religion'.  Jesus loves you more than you know.  He wants to spend eternity with you in bliss!   He's doing everything he can to warn us what lies ahead if we don't 'get it right'.  Please listen to his warnings!  Only a fool would reject unending love and tempt fate.  

The World Mission Church weekly prayer group on Saturday (the sabbath) took a deep dive into this subject and were exposed to some startling information, testimonies, video and blood curdling audio. 

Do yourself and your family a HUGE favor and review the replay of our powerful session, 

In all reality, NOTHING is more important. 

Here's the link to our Blog page where you'll find this message and many more you will most certainly benefit from.  

If you'd like to join a small group of open minds who are sharpening their spiritual sword on a weekly basis every Saturday at 10:00 AM CST join our mailing list to get details.   Click Here.  

Please share this with your loved ones. 

On another note:  Below are just three of many cases we're trying to assist with in Venezuela. 

If you're not already enlisted in our army of Angels of Mercy, I would ask you to consider being one with a recurring monthly donation of $10 or more.  Everything we have is God's.  Let's show our love and put some of it to good use bringing hope to others. 

The woman below is not pregnant.  She has a serious kidney malfunction and she retains excessive fluids in her abdomen.  She has been coping with  this for quite some time due to a lack of resources.  Let's be a part of her miracle. 

This little angel has a huge tumor over her right eye.  She needs help her parents can't give her.   Remember: 'That which you do for the least of these, you do unto me." 

We are also tending to God's beautiful creatures who are being found in horrific condition for many reasons.   This one was abandoned on the road and hit by a car.  It was ripped open with broken bones.  This is only one of many examples we can display.   The vet we work with always gives us credit and does whatever is necessary without regard to payment.  Of course he needs supplies and medicines.  We keep him very busy and we always have a larger balance with him than cash to pay him.  We'd like to honor his love and sacrifice.  
We have a long list of videos representing what we do with the donations which come in.   Have a look when you can.  Many heartwarming success stories amid the despair.  Click Here 

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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