Subject: Why You Will Probably Fail

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Here's why, if you are like most people, you'll likely fail!     
Hi Friend,

Make a Note

1.  Before I start, I've had a number of requests for the recording of last Thursday's session:  POISED FOR PROFIT - OPPORTUNITIES IN 'ANTI-FIAT'.    That link is at the bottom of this message. 

2.  Justice for 'Social Justice'.  If you're like me and have had enough of the SJW BS being forced down our throats, then you are going to jump out of your chair and cheer this Officer Tatum as he tells it exactly as it is.  His message is unvarnished, raw truth telling which you need to share with every liberal Social Justice Warrior you can find.  The truth will prevail!  Don't miss this!

3.  Jesus is coming soon!  You'd better be ready NOW!  If this is 'News' to you, see this playlist of prophetic dreams and visions all pursuant to Acts 2:17.  Then recite this short prayer on top of the list to be saved from ....

Why Most People Fail 
(and you will too unless you conquer these issues)

I'd like to share some personal observations from my own life experience in the hopes that maybe 1 or 2 will benefit in some way.  

I've spent more time, money and emotional energy trying to help people succeed than I care to even think about.  There are times (like now) when I think to myself, "Why bother'?   People don't care.  They seem content just being 'mediocre' or 'barely surviving' or living some dream that someone else will take care of them; their boss and meager job, their political party, their government."   

Seeing people with real self respect, pride and 'Drive' is extremely rare these days.  Have we all been conditioned to be fat and lazy and just content with a minimal existence?  Have the pharmaceuticals,  the public education, the political indoctrination and media conditioning achieved their ultimate objective of turning us all into mindless zombies who will settle for the crumbs on the table and just 'follow the crowd'? 

There are days when I would answer:  'Yes'! 

While I'm speaking generally to all who can read this, I'm being even more pointed to many of our members in THE COMMUNITY SUPPORT NETWORK who just don't seem to take life that seriously. 

So, in an effort to help those few who actually care, let me lay out what I have personally observed as being the key reasons people fail and set themselves up for helpless desperation to be ultimately controlled by others who will offer 'survival' and nothing more in exchange for servitude and obedience. 

Read More Below... 
Reasons People Fail 

1.  Mindset.  They don't have the proper mindset which is a 'way of thinking'.  They don't have the tools and training to 'undo' their conditioning to be a follower rather than a leader.  CSN members get  help in this area. 

2. They 'Try'.  In an age when trophies are awarded for participation 'trying' is glorified rather than achievement and getting actual results.  CSN members learn to be goal oriented with specific targets in achieving freedom..

3. They Quit.  In an age of 'Instant Oatmeal, Instant Coffee, Drive through fast food, instant entertainment with 500 channels available at the click of a remote, etc., people don't have the discipline to 'stick to it' and overcome obstacles and do whatever it takes to succeed.  When they don't get instant results, they 'Quit'!  The other side of this coin is 'Commitment' which is sorely lacking in many people these days.  By building knowledge and skills from the CSN Community center members are able to continue to learn which keeps them motivated to keep advancing. 

4.   They don't have an organized, written plan of action.  The STRATEGY 2020 concept allows CSN members to custom tailor a plan for success specific to their personal needs and situation.  It's not a 'One size fits all' program.  People have differing levels is knowledge, experience, resources.  CSN members can find where they fit the best and benefit the most and then work on the plan step by step. 

5.   They don't focus.  Failures are often attributable to a lack of focus.  Today like never before, people are easily distracted by so many things.   Success requires focus on the plan and moving forward.  CSN members have a number of training and educational tools and live events which allow them to focus in on the area of need which they have.  

6.  They don't prepare.   Today, people have a hard time doing simple things like 'reading and following instructions' , taking the time to know what it is they are doing, learning their back office, how things work, following the training, learning the presentations, doing what's required  (their homework) to have a proper and orderly approach to success.  CSN members have everything laid out for them.  They just need to 'follow the bouncing ball'! 

7.  They don't have confidence.  This comes only from a lack of preparation.  Knowledge, practice and repetition build confidence.  The CSN member communities provide the multi-media knowledge which goes deep into a wide variety of important areas.  This knowledge builds confidence which is contagious!

Those are 'Some' of the reasons most people fail.  CSN members have access to Business Coaching and Specialized Training which goes beyond this and the training applies to all aspects of life.  

One such specialized training  among many was in 'Finance' which we had last Thursday.

Click the image below to view the video recording. 

When you are ready to achieve higher levels of success, Join Us at CSN.  

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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