Subject: What you might have missed!

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From the Desk of Mark Emery
On the battlefield for truth, freedom & the rule of law
Hello Friend

There is so much going on in the world right now that is of major importance it is literally impossible to keep up with it all.  I'm exposed to a lot and I've picked out a few gems that you really ought to take the time to absorb IMO.  This would be worthy of sharing especially with those who are generally not well informed.  You know who I'm talking about. When done, send me your thoughts in a reply to this email.  Enjoy !   It's all good news! 

Despite all the bad news we get every day, God is showing the world that he is in control and in this presentation we share and discuss how he showed the world multiple miracles emanating from one event.  This is a replay of our prayer service in World Mission Church on Saturday Jan. 14.  Click the image to learn more.  For those who were in attendance for the live session, I've added some links in the description that you might be interested in seeing.. Click the image.
You know that another so called 'Pandemic' is planned.  I've previously shared information on the effectiveness of Ivermectin.  Dr. Panda has a new study you should know about. Be prepared.  Read More...

Here's a video on Hydroxychloroquine curing a 92 year old woman with 70% lung damage, from Covid.   Do your own searches in Rumble, Brighteon, Beforeitsnews, BitChute.  You'll find a lot of info disproving the false narrative propaganda. 

Having regrets about being 'vaxxed'?  There are things you can do to mitigate its ill effects.  Learn More...
You know things aren't right in the USA and the world. This video will open your eyes to the truth behind: 

  1. Ukraine
  2. China
  3. What's wrong with the government & accountability - how it has to play out and why. 
  4. What's the '5th Generational War' all about?
Lara is a well respected investigative reporter who began her career with 60 Minutes and later went independent so she could 'tell it like it really is'.  You will love the insights that this discussion provides.  It's an eye opener.  This is a 'Red Pill' discussion.  Benefit from it and share it. 


I'd like to add more here but this is probably enough for today. 

I hope you can benefit. 

If you've read any of my books, I'd greatly appreciate leaving some comments in the 'Review' section. 

If you haven't read any of them.... what are you waiting for? :-)   Once you obtain knowledge, nobody can ever take that away from you! 

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PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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