Subject: What they're not telling you.

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From the Desk of Mark Emery
Somewhere in the highlands
OK Friend, 

First, I have a lot of info for you here.  Whatever you do, be sure to see the 'Good News' I have at the end here. Now, let's move... 

We've been getting small doses of truth mixed in with very heavy doses of B.S. and social engineering.  It's all part of a grand social experiment.  The globe is the laboratory. It's time we saw through the clouds and the smoke to sniff out the truth for what it really is.  This is the purpose of my message to you today. 

Sadly, I don't think most people are ready for the truth and prefer to be told what to do rather than to think for themselves.  So be it.  This message is only for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.  What I have to share with you today may very well challenge what you think you know. 

I share this with you knowing full well, many if not most will call me crazy.  These would be the same ones who called me an extremist lunatic and ignored my video message of September 20, 2018 entitled 'THEY'RE COMING FOR YOU!', precisely predicting today's headlines and global crisis.   See for yourself.  From this vantage point people who saw the message have had a year and a half to get ready for what's happening today.  And many more watchmen have predicted this long before I did.  I wasn't the only one.  Thousands of critical thinkers who pay attention were right along with me.  So I have a track record of 'paying attention', like perhaps you may also.  Bear that in mind. So let's look at a few bullet points (only a few) and see if we can connect the dots. 

To the point: 

1.  The Coronavirus is not a natural occurrence.  It's a patented manufactured bio-weaponDo your own research if you find that hard to believe.

2.  The globalist elite have long coveted a global eugenics plan and we can verify that by looking at: 
- The inscriptions on the Georgia Guidestones which call for massive de-population 
- Eugenics has always been one of the planks of socialism
- U.N. Agenda 21 (now Agenda 2030) calls for global sustainability through depopulation by starting with the elderly.  Who is at highest risk from the virus?

3.  What we are seeing today matches perfectly with biblical prophesies.    Have you seen the locust swarms in Africa?  So none of this should come as any surprise to students of the bible.

4.  Any astute student of economics knows that fiat (debt based) currency systems are doomed to fail in the end and this holds true for the U.S. Federal Reserve among others .  

5.  Ex CBS news reporter Jon Rapaport of broke out of the main stream media matrix years ago to pursue 'truth in journalism'.  His research shows that 60 million people in Italy are on lockdown for only 2 deaths of 80+ year old patients with pre-existing respiratory ailments who 'also' had the coronavirus and it can't be confirmed that they died 'because of' the coronavirus.   If this is true, and it appears to be, then why on earth would the media and the powers that be, be causing a global depression and massive misery over a 'non-issue'?

Could it be the 'cover' they need to avoid blame for the inevitable collapse of their central banking fiat debt monetary system which is now taking down the entire global economy with it, which many saw coming (myself included) well in advance? 

Could it be that this is the trigger to be able to mandate mass, mandatory 'vaccines' which they could not get the people to go along with otherwise? 

Could it be the plan to wipe out the population, free enterprise and an independent USA to bring in the NWO and global governance to which everyone would be forced to pay allegiance and be subservient for their existence?  

Could it be that this manufactured global collapse, 'global pandemic'  is such a terrible global problem that it needs a 'global solution' which  diminishes national governance and is the ultimate  'end game' of the globalist demons?  

Could this economic disaster and global shutdown open the door to bring in the socialist dream of universal basic income which New York mayor Bill de Blasio urged in his press conference today? 

Well, there is much more and I could go on, but I won't.   I want to get to the good part because .... 

I Have some Fantastic News! 

There is a technology which cannot be explained by modern science which can 'treat' most any illness one might have (coronavirus included).  This is done with remote scalar energy.  This has been proven effective by healing hundreds of confirmed HIV cases in Africa among an endless list of other testimonials. 

Read this article: 

Whatever your illness, or if you have been tested positive for coronavirus, check into it. 

Screw the mainstream media fear mongers and demonic deep state control freaks!  

Check it out! 

Now would be a good time to consider: 

Coming Out of Babylon!

Check out the World Mission Church
PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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