Subject: Village cures Covid - Says 'No' to masks and vax

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From the Desk of Mark Emery
On the battlefield for truth
Hello Friend

So now we all know about the 'Fauci Fraud'.  Did you also know that the term 'Conspiracy Theorist' was a term first used widely by the C.I.A. to discredit and disparage anyone who was 'politically incorrect' and challenging the official narrative (aka brainwashing)?  Well now you do. Fauci is only one of hundreds of examples we could harp on but won't. 

So from now on whenever you hear someone accusing someone else of being a 'conspiracy theorist' you should immediately ask yourself, 'what are they trying to hide'?  Conspiracy Theorist should now be a term which identifies the accuser as being a liar who wants to cover something up.  

Alright.  God tells us in the book of Luke 8:7F "for there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light."

Mark 4:22: "For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it would come to light."

And so with that in mind, for those of you who have not taken the time to find the truth about the vaccines, this short and easy to follow video is one you MUST WATCH!  Your life may depend on it, seriously! 

The world is doing their best never to let you know this and 99% of the doctors have no idea.  Shame on them!!

The exciting news is that an entire village has found a cure in God's creation (nature) and they have nothing to do with ANY Masks or Vaccines because an herbal doctor is curing the worst cases in 15 minutes or less.  So who will you put your trust in?  The C.D.C. and W.H.O. who are leading the world into a voluntary suicide?  Or trust in God and his natural solutions. Your choice.

See for yourself.

Please don't be gullible and believe what you see on TV.  God gave you a's your duty use it!

Oh, and whatever happened to hydroxychloroquine?  It worked for Trump and thousands of others before they banned it from sale, banned doctors from prescribing it and banned it from talk on the main stream media.  (bad for BIG Pharma's business you know!) Call me a 'Conspiracy Theorist', yeah, I know!

Seek the truth.  You will find it. 

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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