Subject: Tonight's Web Meeting: The Solution!

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We know the solution... 
You'll never guess what it is! 
Hey Friend, 

This is a reminder and repeat of yesterday's message to make sure you get it:  Re: Tonight's web meeting

I hope you had a chance to review my last email a couple days ago.  It was a cold slap in the face for some people, but then some people need exactly that and like a loving father, he does what is necessary to get his family to pay attention for their own good so they stay on the right track.

So this evening we have another web session which should be quite enlightening and hopefully even powerful. 

We're going to discuss what the solution is to the globalist agenda, to re-establishing rule of law, the protection of your God given rights and a whole lot more.   You'll surely come away with some insights you didn't have before. 

If you're into solutions like we are, you won't want to miss.   Details are below the image that follows.  

Everyone is welcome.   Invite a friend!  
NATF  is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NATF Strategy Session ; The Solution

Time: Jul 14, 2022 
07:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
8:30 EST 
6:30 MST 
5:30 PST 

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