Subject: This Week in the Lighthouse

  This Week in the Lighthouse
Hi Friend,

This is a few days late getting out. I'm still dealing with complications from my move.  I'm higher up the mountain now in the cloud forest, internet is much more complicated and still not set up and other issues are still being settled, so I've been out of my regular rythm.  Apologies for that.

Nonetheless, important things are developing so please make note...

New Conference Call Schedule

I thought I'd be settled enough to do a call tonight but too many things are still up in the air.  I really want to get going on some things, so we'll have to target next Monday, as my dad used to say, "Come Hell or High Water!'

To refresh your memory, here below is the outline of how we'll be managing the subject matter on general terms.

The First Monday of the Month: 
Focus - Privacy, Asset Protection & the Business Trust.  This will include  banking, finance, doing business, estate planning, how to operate in this realm and related info.   When this discussion terminates, we'll open the floor to any topic you like.

The Second Monday of the Month:
Focus - Courts & Courtroom Procedure.  Yes, I know we want to stay out but it doesn't always work that way.  And don't say that 'you're not the type of person who ends up in court'.  If that's what you think, then you simply don't understand the world we live in.  The boys and girls in badges are commissioned to 'drum up business'.  Just like a fisherman casts out his net to see what he gets, they do exactly the same and you are just as vulnerable as anyone!  When this discussion terminates, we'll open the floor to any topic you like.

The Third Monday of the Month:
Focus - Legal Status Correction.   We'll be discussing the teachings of Patrick Devine, Ken Dost and others and advance our knowledge together. When this discussion terminates, we'll open the floor to any topic you like.

The Fourth Monday of the Month:
Focus - Everything 'Digital Nomad', 'Perpetual Traveller' and 'breaking free'. When this discussion terminates, we'll open the floor to any topic you like.

New Information on Property Tax

We are learning more and more about property taxes and how that structure is fraudulent just as is almost every other government operation.

Our member John S. is active in that area and he has dug up some interesting information on this subject.  You'll find it in the 'All Taxes Study Group' section of the Members Forum.

I encourage our members who have an interest, to dig into this information, expand on it and push it forward.  This would be a great project for our 'Study Group' on this subject and all other members who have an interest.

Tax and Mortgage Foreclosure

I have just uploaded Part III of the 'Run Bankers Run' series of videos.  Anyone who 'has been' or 'is' a victim of theft by foreclosure needs to see this video.  The essence of it is a presentation by John Darash of the National Liberty Alliance and what they are doing to start a national movement by helping individuals take appropriate legal action against the criminal banksters and if necessary, nail the co-conspirator judges for RICO and other crimes if they attempt to deny due process.   It's about an hour long and worth listening to and sharing far and wide.  Click Here for the video.  The people are on the move!
That's it for this week folks, I hope to be back in the saddle full time next week.  This week is 'Semana Santa' or Holy Week here and everything shuts down (except me).

Let me hear from you and your activity in the Forum!


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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