Subject: Things Just Keep Getting Better!

It Just Keeps Getting Better!
Let's Nail It! 
Friend  You've been with us a little while now and I'm very glad to have your participation.  

You've joined with me on this adventure for one or more reasons.  If you're like most people, you haven't accomplished your goals and dreams yet simply because you don't have the time or resources to give a clear focused effort when there are so many distractions in life and so many different sources of information out there and we won't even get into the economics of it all.  

Well Friend I have good news for you.  We're about to change all that and solve that issue for you.
As you know, life is an evolutionary process.  We learn, we change, we grow.  I've learned a lot myself as I've tried to bring solutions to common problems in a practical and affordable ways to most people.  You may have seen the recent survey I did of our list members.  I learned a lot more about what's needed than I thought I already knew. 
What I'm getting at is this:  I've created one single resource center that will  bring together specialized resources to help you solve many of the issues you face day to day.  

You won't have to participate in 6 different venues to keep up with: building a business, becoming a secured creditor, managing high debt, foreclosure issues, sovereignty issues, creating a bug out plan, common law issues, political issues etc  Read on.... 
Problems Solved!
Nearly everyone, you included Friend, have to deal with; 

cash flow problems
IRS problems
legal problems
over regulation
intrusive and/or abusive government
traffic tickets, citations & city ordinance issues
too many forms, fees and fines
compliance requirements
abusive if not outright fraudulent officials
illegal processes
mounting debt
declining economic and business opportunity ...and more

Friend, I want to invite you to consider joining me and many others in the Lighthouse Law Club.   I'd like you to contribute and share your knowledge, expertise and experience with the rest of our members who will be sharing their knowledge and expertise.  We already have solutions to the problems mentioned above.  But working together, as a unified force of independent souls, we can accomplish so much more in each of our own personal lives, not to mention society as a whole.  

The law club is a single source, or hub, or community center where like minded individuals can come together, network, share, learn, grow and succeed!  

I've just restructured  the membership so that anybody can benefit, it's almost free.  In one place you'll find solutions on many themes.

Enough said.  Friend this is my personal invitation for you to join me and others to begin a new adventure together.  Go have a look.  Be sure to review the details on the  'Membership' page and let me know your comments and questions.  


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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