Subject: Stop the Death Cult!

The Death Cult has Declared Open War on us
You are being called to serve 
'The Resistance' 
(or die)
Sign up Here!
Dear  Friend !

Does this sound extreme to you?  If so let me help you catch up with reality.  Here are the indisputable facts which you can verify right here:

- The W.H.O. and the C.D.C. are criminally liable for knowingly preventing the development and distribution of effective tests because the 'patent' prohibited the development of testing. They were thus knowingly pro-active in allowing the spread of the virus worldwide. Verify here.

- The Covid-19 virus attacks the elderly more than others. Verify

- Search engines and big media have already hidden voluminous documented sources showing how the Covid-19 virus was designed in a lab with specific targets in mind. But you can verify it here.

- Baby boomers were born between 1944 and 1964 which means they are between 56 and 76.  They represent the greatest transfer of wealth in history which is estimated at $30 trillion.  The globalists want it.  Verify here 

-  Here's how they get it:  The Guardian Racket and the Probate Racket. The more who die or are 'declared' incompetent,  the more assets they can seize through the corrupt court thievery rings.  Verify here

-  Also, the more elderly who die, the less the government has to pay out in benefits.

- Governors Cuomo of NY and others like Governor Whitmer of Michigan are deliberately infecting the most vulnerable by bringing infected, sick patients into nursing homes while healthy family members are prohibited from visiting (witnessing).  Verify Cuomo here and Whitmer here. 

- The lockdown is claiming more suicide deaths than covid-19 is claiming.  The death cult is all about 'destruction' (economy, rights, lives, futures, hope)  and communist democrat governors want to extend this lockdown as long as possible for 'maximum' effect'.  Verify here. 

- Hospitals have financial incentives to inflate Covid-19 death figures and are changing death certificates for more money.  Verify Here.  This false reporting supports the extended lockdowns.  One lie supports the other.

- And just to add a little sugar on top of all this:  The COVI-Pass Digital Health Passport has an implantable chip which will 'allow' you to 'buy or sell'.  If you don't have the pass... well.  Verify here. 
What to Do?

Click the image below to see the new video 'It's Gametime' just published which includes full instructions on how you can join the resistance and make a difference!  It is literally: 'Do or Die'!

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PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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