Subject: Special Alert. Friend it's time to get results

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Special Alert
Member Web Conferences
Resume Tonight
Hi Friend,

If you've been paying attention to our emails and notices you know that the format for our weekly conference calls has changed.

We're now geared up to have members participate in a focus group specializing on a certain area of interest.  The web conferences will be geared to advance in those areas with participation from the members. 

We're starting tonight with our first call  of the year.

If you've already selected your area of interest, then watch your email for invitations and reminders with access links direct from AnyMeeting. 

If you still need to do that, to participate on the calls and advance your knowledge and capability, Click Here.  Once you've completed the questionnaire, we'll put you on the invitation list for AnyMeeting and watch your email for those notices.

I  look forward to seeing you tonight!


Mark Emery

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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