Subject: Law Club Updates

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Plan Ahead for Monday
Hi Friend, 

You may have seen the latest video posted a few days ago in our YouTube Channel entitled 'Win in Court' which is a version of the presentation we shared and discussed recently in a Members Web Conference.   The concept here enables you to take command of the courtroom if or when hauled in there and gives you the ammunition to destroy any actions being brought against you.

Next Monday, we're going to take it a step further and show you how to destroy most cases they might want to pin on you, BEFORE you ever get to court.

We'll be discussing, in depth, the CONDITIONAL OFFER and how to use it in various circumstances;
  1. IRS issues
  2. Debt issues
  3. Foreclosure issues
  4. Statutory 'crimes against the state' issues
  5. Oppression issues
  6. Traffic tickets, etc.

Joining us will be a lady I've been working with who was a target of some serious attacks and oppression for political purposes. She ran for a county office and uncovered a satanic prostitution and pedophile ring and refused to bow down to the courts, the police and the local power structure who tried to intimidate her into silence.  She was thrown in jail, had ridiculous fines levied, arrest warrants out for her and some really obscene, corrupt tyranny threatening and ruining her life.

With a stack of bogus 'legal attacks' they were using to intimidate, abuse and silence her, long story short, she destroyed it all and it all went away for her simple use of a 'Conditional Offer'.

We'll hear from her directly on the call, God willing, and hear how she defeated 'the beast' using 'Conditional Offers'.

I'm giving you notice of this in advance in order that you have time to study up on some examples of 'Conditional Offers' we already have in our libraries.

In the IRS Freedom Course - Advanced Training Library, you'll find the 'NOTICE OF OFFER OF PERFORMANCE' letter.

In the Beat the Bankers - Advanced Training Library, you'll find the 'OFFER TO PAY IN FULL'.

Both of these are 'Conditional Offers'.   You might want to study them before we discuss this in depth on Monday.

Have you been using them?

You will want to be, once you see the power of this and see what Connie has done in her case, which was extreme.

We'll also be sharing some simple little secrets on a couple of ways  to stop foreclosures.

Do your homework and I hope to see you on the conference next Monday.   Plan on it!


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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