Subject: Karatbars Amsterdam Incentive

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Hi Friend,

On my recent trip to Ukraine I spent a couple days in Amsterdam in transit.  I've been there several times previously and know it fairly well.   Let me tell you, there is no place in the world which is more quaint, interesting, historical, fun and romantic than Amsterdam in the summertime.  

Karatbars has announced its plans to announce and launch 'MainNet' in Amsterdam in September.  As you should know, this is their own blockchain and will merge KBC and KCB into the new gold backed crypto which will take the world by storm.  

This is a huge milestone for not only Karatbars but it will be for you too, because MainNet is going to launch the next generation of Home Business Affiliate Millionaires.  You need to be one of them! 

You need to plan to be in Amsterdam at the Karatbars conference and most of your trip can be earned from incentive bonuses Karatbars will pay out as described on the button on the bottom of the page in your Kbars back office. You can see it here also. 

Only 1 VIP Profit package sale and you've earned a ticket to the event.  Sell 3 or 4 and you've got your airline ticket paid for.  

Now is the time to push hard to build your team and sales figures not only to get to Amsterdam, but also to be well positioned when MainNet goes live and we all start catching 'the wave' of excitement and profit that is sure to come our way.  

Let me know if you have any questions or how I can help you. 

See you in Amsterdam! 


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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