Subject: It's 'Game On' People! Must Read!
Hi Again  Friend,
This is the most important email I've ever sent out, and that's saying something, so please give me your attention for just a minute.  

Listen, I will trust in the fact that you are well informed about what's going on not only in the USA but worldwide.  The Khazarian mafia, global monied elitists who control our so called government are completely out in the open.  They aren't even trying to hide their fraud murders and theft anymore.  You know what that means?  It means that they are bringing down the hammer and making the final plays to implement their agenda.  You know the agenda, right?

If not, you must just go to or look for InfoWars videos on YouTube.  I'm not going to spell it all out again here.  It's all out there for you from endless sources.

So, bottom line is, we don't have much time.  We don't have the luxury of thinking about the vacation home and the next round of golf.  If we (we= you+me!) don't get off our duff and start getting pro-active to save our country and our futures, I'll likely be seeing you in a FEMA 're-education camp' very soon.  I'm deadly serious.  Google 'Hillary Adult Fun Camp' - Do It!  See what you get! She talks about it in the open and jokes about it that B*tch! 

OK, I'm really upset about all this and I'm in 'War' mode since we have no choice because the government has already declared war on us long ago and they are close to achieving their objectives if we don't do something.   If you don't fight to save your own ass Friend, then I'm sorry,  but you deserve what's in store.  It's just the way it is. 

So here's what I'm doing.  It's BIG.  It's BOLD  and I want you to join me!

I've started a campaign called 'FREE AMERICA 2 BY 2'

The concept is so simple, it's beautiful!

#1  Given:  the biggest, most powerful population and money control mechanism the Khazars have is what?   ..... the I.R.S.!!
#2  Given:   I know how to expose them, beat them, pound them into the ground.  I've done it many ways and many times over and I'm teaching others how.   The Khazars are out in the open with their war strategy, SO AM I!~!~
#3  Given:  You've seen the demonstration and what happens if you double a penny every day, right?  If not, do it on your calculator;  1x2x2x2 and so on. 

We are going to do the same thing.  Only we're not going to double pennies, we're going to double 'PEOPLE WHO HAVE MY BOOK:  HOW I BEAT SATAN...AND THE I.R.S.'

Not only does my book expose the fraud and criminality, but it offers simple, easy solutions anyone can use to say to the IRS...

 "You's been nice, but it's over between us.  
I'm dumping you!" 

Friend stop and think for a minute:  a single penny doubled only once a day in 30 days is 1,048,576 pennies.  5 days after that is 33,554,432.  Now with email, how many times could it double every day?

We could have this book in the hands of every American in 30 days!

And then what?  America would know about the fraud.  Pressure would mount heavily on the crooks in office and I'd be willing to bet the IRS would be out of business and the Khazarian mafia would be on their ass wondering what the hell just hit them!  

Friend, if you have a better plan, please let me know.  If not, then you have to join me in this.  You have no choice if you hope to have a future that is.  

Here is the web page I created to launch this national campaign. 

Use this url to share, download the book and do all the explaining for you.  Just SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! 

Our future depends on it. 

Thanks and may God Bless us all! 


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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