Subject: Important Web Conference Tonight

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Important Web Conference Tonight - Members Only
Hi Friend, 

Tonight, aside from the topics and support issues you want to raise, we'll be discussing the following; 

a)  Banking options in today's age of regulatory control and total surveillance.   We have answers.

b) You've hopefully had the chance to view the latest video published Friday entitled 'FREEDOM IN THE DIGITAL AGE'.  We'll be discussing more details on this and what it means to you in the context of your LLC membership.  If you haven't seen it you'll find it on our YouTube Channel or the last email you received from me.

In this topic thread, we'll be introducing a new concept in digital medicine called 'Telemedicine' which is changing the way people receive their healthcare.   It presents an absolutely huge financial opportunity for those seeking to accelerate their cash flow.  You will want to know about even if only from a consumer perspective and how it can help you access healthcare quicker, easier and for less money.

For a quick intro before the call, Click Here

c)  Your issues and topics are invited for full discussion.  Get the support you need and questions answered.

Here is the login  for tonight's Members Only Web Conference at 8:00 PM CST.... 

I hope to see you tonight!

Dial-in Number:

Attendee PIN:
408 6263#

Meeting ID:

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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