Subject: IMPORTANT - About Last Night...

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Important New Updates
Please give this your attention!
Hi Friend, 
Here's what's on tap for today's latest news;

  1. More Info on our discussion last night about the HUGE paradigm shift in the medical industry and what we're doing to capture the opportunity.
  2. Some Great New Info in 'Books Downloads' page.
  3. New Info in 'Recommended Services'
  4. New Info in 'Advanced Training Libraries'
  5. Admin Info re: Restricted Access and Grace Period Ending Soon@!


#1   More info on Medicus and the new paradigms in health care.

If you missed our web conference last night you need to listen to the replay.  It's up in the forum in the usual spot.

One of the two key topics discuss was the introduction to the revolutionary concepts being introduced to the healthcare industry by a company called 'Medicus'.

Be sure to go to the Members Forum > Entreprenurial Incubator category to see the new posts there for more details, links and info you can start to dig into.  I trust that you'll see how important this could be in your life.


#2  New Info in Books Downloads Page

Log in to this page in the members area.  We've added some fantastic new information. 

Six new downloads are available in a new category which has been added: 


Freedom starts with staying safe and healthy!  You're going to love what we have for you here!  

Also, the most informative, astounding, well researched and powerful book ever written on asset protection, privacy and business trusts, no longer in publication after the author was attacked and thrown in jail, is now found in the ASSET PROTECTION categoryThe new addition is entitled:


You simply can't put a value on this kind of hidden knowledge.  It's yours for the asking as a member of LLC!


#3  New Info in Recommended Services Page re: State Citizen Passport

There's been a lot of talk about this subject.  Check out the info in the Members Area.


#4  New Info in Advanced Training Libraries

There have been updates in the 'Non-UCC Settle all Claims library.

Also, a new library has  been added which is a more general 'Legal Status Correction' collection of docs.  Of particular interest will be the File on 'Authenticating the COLB' which contains new information geared to help people understand this process and hopefully get some assistance in managing the process. (which applies equally in the Non-UCC process as well!)


#5   Is Your Access Restricted?  Grace Period Ending Soon! 

Sadly, only about 45% of our members open the emails we send out and are behind the curve on various important issues. 

If you find that you cannot log in to the Members Area, it likely indicates that you are not compliant with the new member benefits program and have not made the requested contribution to the Library Development Fund which we've been talking about regularly in our emails, and in the forum since early September.

If this is the case, you are in a 30 day grace period which ends October 31st.  If the LDF contribution is not made by this time, we'll take that as your signal that you no longer wish to continue your membership benefits and it will be cancelled along with the payment profile for the dues, in PayPal.  It's up to you.  Whichever you prefer.

To remedy this situation, simply make the contribution by clicking here and your good standing status and access will be reinstated.

Any questions, contact Tam in support:

Thanks very much for your cooperation and understanding. 

Enjoy the new info and let me know what  you think!


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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