Subject: Global Unity Bridge - Patriots Unite

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The White Hats Take Control! 

The Global Unity Bridge. (share this email with your contacts!)

I have some great news for you today! Let me summarize real quick for you and you can get the details in the links I’ll provide.

1. Patriots around the world are uniting to stand up against the NWO satanic cabal and the cabal is being rendered toothless, one tooth at a time.

2. The greatest attempted election fraud in history (one of many apparently) was deliberately set up by the weaponized COVID farce. COVID was deliberately used as the pretext to set up the mail-in vote scheme and you now know the rest of the story.

3. The U.S. DOJ (and/or military) up to now, has been unable to arrest all the familiar names because on his way out Obama secretly pardoned all the actors committing the biggest crimes.  His appointees, accumulated after 8 years of nefarious anti-American activity, were his 'leave behind' government (deep state) to fight Trump the entire time. 

4. Therefore, the white hats (mostly military working with the POTUS to save the constitution) had to set up the biggest sting in history. They had to get the cabal to commit new crimes not the least of which are treason and sedition as they attempted a veritable coup d’etat via the vote scandal! 

5. The dark forces walked right into the trap with the blatant and desperate attempted election fraud and each one of them was being watched each step of the way. All the actors are now exposed with nowhere to hide. This attempted coup involves not only bad actors in the USA from both parties, but also involves national leaders and others from around the world who all have interests in bringing down the USA;  China, The Vatican, The Crown and the EU just to name a few. 

6. This will lead to arrests NOT by civil federal police forces, but what we are witnessing is an act of war on an international level. The only proper recourse is for the arrests to be made by the military.  Military tribunals will ensue thus avoiding corrupt judges and political influence (to a large degree) in the civil courts. 

7. Do you really believe Trump has activated and sent military all across the nation to help deliver ‘vaccines’? Really?  Think about it. Read #6 again. Brilliant cover!

What do you think he’s doing with all those troops he’s bringing back from the contrived war zones abroad?  Troops in Afghanistan were there largely to protect the poppy crops and revenue from the heroin trade funding the cabal and their black ops. Look it up!

8. The global power structure of the Khazarian Mafia (NWO cabal) is being dismantled.
A global reset is underway to dismantle not only the fraudulent corporate U.S. Inc. and bring back the ‘de jure’ republic form of government, but this is happening around the world.

This ushers in NESARA and GESARA.

You need to inform yourself and be a part of this revolution! You can start with this video from Scott McKay, former intelligence officer which will open the eyes of even the most ardent of patriots!  You might think you know what's going on.  Wait until you hear what Scott has to offer!!

You can get more from Scott on his YouTube channel The Tipping Point Radio.  Every single video will be worth your time!

A Call to Action.... 

After you catch up on all of this powerful information for yourself, you need to share it with all of the zombies in your circle who are at least partially, if not completely ignorant  (willfully or otherwise) of what’s going on in this world. Some will awaken. Some won’t. So what? Next ! 

Information and awareness is our greatest weapon. Ignorance and servitude is the cabal’s greatest weapon!

Then we invite you to join us for an all important webinar this coming Wednesday evening in which you’ll be able to see what the N.A.T.F. is doing to form a national coalition of grass roots forces to unify in this stand against what is nothing short of the darkest evil this world has ever faced. 

 We have the authority! We have the power! It’s time we started using it!

Again, you will be a part of the solution, or you will be ‘the problem’.

See you Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM Central, 8:00 EST.

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.

When: Dec 2, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: N.A.T.F. Launch

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