Subject: Emergency Meeting Tonight

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From the Desk of Mark Emery
Seeking Prosperity Amidst Chaos
Hello Friend

Do you ever feel like you're on your own?  You no longer live in the community where you grew up. Old friends are a distant memory.  Family doesn't understand you.  Neighbors are cold and even people at church can barely muster a conversation when they see you. 

Living in a mobile society has a price to pay and it's a big one!  Isolation.  It's not easy to deal with.   Prisoners are 'broken' with long stints in solitary confinement if that tells you anything. 

Look Friend, we are in times of crisis.  The crisis is on so many levels it's hard to know where to look and they are getting worse.  

  1. Inflation is making almost everyone poor
  2. The supply chain crisis is creating havoc in the economy
  3. Food shortages are already happening and famine threatens the world
  4. Pandemic B.S.  has forced businesses to close and people to lose their jobs
  5. Your leaders seem more interested in communism than people. 
  6. War is just around the corner
  7. The medical industry serves profits and not people
  8. Society is more interested in turning your little girl into a boy than it is building strong communities
  9. ... and the list goes on

If you feel isolated and helpless and without much of a support network to help you through the times that are not just coming, but are already here, I fear for you.  

Understanding this, efforts are being made to help solve or at least mitigate this problem. 

So the good news is this, we're having an emergency meeting tonight to discuss these things and come together to make a difference. 

If you'd like to be a part of that the details are below.  I hope to see you then.... 

Mark is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Community Building Web Meeting

Time: Mar 21, 2022 07:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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