Subject: Attention: Members of WMC

WMC Open House Tonight
Hi Friend

As a reminder, we're hosting our first weekly open house reception tonight. 

I'm counting on you to help make it a success.  

We'd love for you to invite a guest and in the process help build the ecclesia which is what we are all about, right? 

Secondly, I am encouraging a lively discussion which means active participation from all of us.  Come prepared to share why you are here, what your vision is for us, any testimonials you may wish to offer, how you may have benefitted from our activities and/or information and related positive input.  

The whole point is to create a buzz of positive energy and hopefully bring in new members who are of a like mind and positive outlook and of course those who may be downtrodden and need help as well. 

Who doesn't like to be around a positive group of people, right?  That's us! 

See you tonight. 

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