Subject: "Word of the Lord for America, Session ll" Part D

Dear Friends,

We here are World for Jesus Ministries, are focused on three things:

  • Ministry to the Nations 
  • Ministry to the Poor
  • Ministry through Missions
"Ministry to the Nations" involves the Gathering of the Eagles, our Seattle Based-Services, Corporate Intercession, and raising up Joel's Army Prayer Shields all over the world. We have Joel's Army Prayer Shields in more nations (some are incredibly dangerous locations) than I have space to include here. God is making a difference in the lives of these national representatives, and they go to great lengths to bring our International Coordinator in to teach them how to pray effectively for their nation. We also provide books and CDs without charge because the Word says "to buy the truth and sell it not (Prov 23:23)" and our desire is to prepare the nations for the days ahead.

"Ministry to the Poor" involves the work of CedarWood Int'l. Three of the original six elements of CedarWood Int'l are already up and running; CedarWood Pantry, CedarWood Coats & Clothes, CedarWood BackPack Kids - provides juice, fruit, snacks & easy prep meals for the weekend. We have added another element wherein we provide supplies to the homeless. Coats, Homeless Emergency Meal Kits (HEMK) that include basic supplies - toiletry items, long-term food items, even sleeping bags when available.

Ministry through Missions is quite large. We support ministries and missionaries all over the world; Africa, India, Taiwan, China, UK, and on and on. An important facet of this outreach is our very own Nation. We have pastors who have a burden to reach into rural communities or Native American regions which, often, does not have the ability to provide pastoral support. This is where WFJM Ministry through Missions steps in and through your support, we have been able to prevent these precious Pastors and their families from becoming just another casualty in the field.

If you'd like to learn more about any of the above items including ways for you to get involved or support some of our work, please check out our website at I invite you to visit the CedarWood and Joel's Army tabs, listen to some of the teachings in the media log and read some of the articles. You can also call or email us if you have additional questions - our "door" is always open!

Blessings & love,
Ricci on behalf of Nita and the entire WFJM team!

Following is the next installment in "A Word of the Lord for America, Session ll". May it bless you as you prepare for the days ahead.




Session Il

Part D


Nita Johnson

Seattle Services - July 2015

Continued from last week...


I wrote in an article a while back that a group will arise that is the equivalent of ISIS, if not ISIS itself. They would be a threat to the whole world. The angel of the Lord came and took me to nations all over the earth, at which time I saw some nations literally void of people because they had all been killed by that murderous group. So I want to invite you to pray against ISIS. It is very serious. That night of visitations of which there were several was one of the worst nights of prophetic experiences I have ever had. You’re going to have a good prayer list by the time we are finished tonight and each thing I am giving you is critically important.

Chemical Warfare:
Chemical warfare. We’ve known about this for many years, and now we are in it, primarily with the Chemtrails. I’ve already mentioned the Chemtrails, but this chemical warfare, is going to happen by other means as well. Their plan is to bring America into the third world status.

Race Wars:
They also have plans to incite a race war and in fact, the Elite are working hard at attempting to make that happen. Why are they having so much difficulty succeeding in this effort? It is because of all the years that we have spent in the Gatherings and our weekly calls praying and repenting over the white man’s sin against the African Americans. Due to this effort, God has determined that while there will be an eruption for the purpose of getting our attention He will minimize it and its effect. We would have been in the midst already for quite a while if it were not for His mercy. One friend of mine who is a prophet saw several cities in a state of a conflagration when revival started. With all that is going on now in all their efforts to try to create a race war, he is thinking that is why the cities were burning. Whatever is going to happen, it’s not going to be what the Elite wanted. You’ve got to know that by now! Consider this recent Church situation wherein the young gunman killed several people. Yet, how did the African Americans respond to it? Love. Love. It was amazing!. It amazed the media. They could not believe what they were seeing. I don’t want to sound like we’re taking credit for everything. When you obey the Lord, who gets the credit? He does. He knows how to put the oil of Gilead on the wound to keep it from becoming poisonous. He knows what to do and how to do it. He certainly did it that time.

When we started interceding on behalf of the African American people, I didn’t know the history. I grew up in the north, and our elders did not talk about it. I thought that slavery meant the slaves got paid, but, with low wages. I didn’t know what it meant. And as the Lord began to give me visions and help me locate the information for our work in the Gatherings, it was so painful—I would just double over in gut wrenching tears. I couldn’t believe that any human being could treat another human being like I was seeing. It was so horrible! God could let our nation fall into the sea for what we’ve done. However, He is not going to. He is going to bring complete healing to the races of this nation. I don’t care how impossible it seems. He is going to do it because He loves the white, and He loves the black. He loves the Asian. He loves every race in this nation. So He is going to bring unity. He is going to bring healing. He’s going to bring a kind of healing that has never been before. Isn’t that exciting? We are coming into a time that we will have endured the chastening, and He will heal and deliver. Our sins will be as snow. What man meant for evil, God will work for good.

Now let me tell you just a very little bit. We are going to go through a bit of discipline. It’s not going to be comfortable, but God will get us through. You just stand in faith; you stand in hope. He loves His Church. He loves the Jewish people in this country, and He loves America. He has a plan for us, and the prayers of the saints will position us to be able to receive the blessings of those plans and actually be a part of bringing them about. He is going to help us. He is going to heal us. We’re going to be a different America than we are today. Back in the fifties and sixties, America had a certain innocence. I mean that. America was an innocent nation. He has given me so many visions that that’s what He’s going to bring us back to.

Two visions were given of America going down because of the activity of the Elite. We were going down into a hole. I am not going to tell you both visions. I’m just going to share the point of the two visions so that we can make this a little quicker. In both visions, intercession drew the hand of God down into that hole and brought the nation back. I saw a whirling vortex, taking us deeper into the hole. Nevertheless, God brought the nation out of the hole. He rescued us. We’re going to endure some things, but intercession is going to lift us out. In one of the visions, I responded to my staff’s earnest question about what they were seeing. I replied: “This is God’s deliverance.” They questioned: “Well this is beautiful, but how is all of this happening?” I responded: “I don’t understand it all yet. I just know we are watching the beginning of God’s deliverance. What Jesus told me is that He was going to bring intercessors to this place. They are going to come here from all over the nation. He was going to raise up people who have held money in reserve, wealthy people who love America, who have held money in reserve because God instructed them to many years ago. He told them to hold their funds in reserve until He revealed the one that would help retrieve this Nation from destruction. They have come to realize the work we are doing is for that purpose. They are going to support it and help intercessors get here so that they can pray for the America’s complete reversal. This is exciting, isn’t it? I think it is also exciting that men and women have put money aside for many years to be a part of the healing of the nation. That blesses me.

George Washington
A month-long vision. Could you imagine having a vision around the circumference of your head 24x7 for thirty days? Could you imagine what that would feel like? A vision in active mode. So, it isn’t just like this solitary vision. The people in the vision are talking and moving about—how distracting to my everyday life. It’s like watching television 24x7 all around your head. This is what I saw. Men and women dressed in the garb of the 1700’s. They were discussing among themselves the new government of America. The discussion concerned the things they would need to do to make it happen, and what it would cost. I saw this 24x7 around the circumference of my head. Probably most people would have a hard time believing it; I would too, except it happened to me. Whenever the devil tries to tell me this isn’t going to happen, this is what return to. I know what a miracle it is, even as a prophet, to be walking in the spirit of revelation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for an entire month. The message in the vision wherein God is saying this is what is happening behind the scenes even now, is so very important. These discussions are already happening, and it’s going to continue until the new government is put in its place.

God’s plans. These people are among the Loyalists. When the Elite think they have America, we are going to see the Loyalist because they have been waiting for the perfect moment to take this nation back. They exist. We don’t know who they are because they’re staying hidden; they have to, or they wouldn’t be able to fulfill their plans. I saw a second vision when I saw the Minutemen. Do you remember the Minutemen? I saw them running across the ground, coming to a huge shed where they were hiding their muskets. Running, running, running to the shed. When they arrived one of the men opened the door to the shed, and exposed all the muskets. As everyone was running, I could feel their hearts, their emotions which were utterly filled with joy. There was not a fearful bone in their body. They weren’t concerned about anything. They were just filled with joy because they knew that this was the moment that God was going to give America back to its people. So, you have the army who are one part of the Loyalists, and you have the diplomats who are the other. You have the people who will be tomorrow’s politicians, who will put into order the new government—the New Republic.

You are thinking, right? That’s what one pastor’s wife told me when I said, “Your people are very quiet.” She said, “It’s like dropping gold bombs—just about everything you say. What do you want us to do? It takes a minute for it to go in, and sink in, and before we’ve done it, you’re dropping the next bomb.” These things are going to happen, and when you see them happen, don’t think God has forsaken you. Say in your heart: This is His deliverance. He is answering our prayers. We don’t have to be afraid. God will protect His people.

The New Currency:
There is a new currency coming. God is going to have His hand in it. I can tell you more about that maybe on the 7th. We won’t go into detail on that. I’ve seen the currency; I’ve seen what’s behind it and what will support it. So I’ll share it with you, but not tonight.

New World Order:
The New World Order is coming down. We may have to fight. I don’t know at what point that devilish thing is going to lose. All I know is that they can’t have America, and I also know that the prayers have to keep happening.

What will it take to bring us through? Prayer and change. America must fight for her sovereignty and righteousness. In God we trust. That is the way it has to be. He’s not going to raise up a new America to the devil. In God we must trust, and He’s willing to help make that happen by pouring out revival and winning the hearts and the souls to Himself. But it takes prayer, and it takes a lot of it. God has used me twice in a pretty major revival both times. One time, it was in a Bible school. We had awesome miracles. Another time, it occurred up here in a tri-city area in Idaho. It went on and on and on. Awesome miracles! It was fantabulous—mega-fantabulous. It was awesome! However, it took lots of prayer to get it to that explosive point and to keep it going. So the intercessors really need to pray for revival because this is God’s best for America. He is going to do it. It may not seem like He is, but He is going to do it. 

To be continued next week...

In His Love,
Nita Johnson

You can listen to the audio of this teaching on the media log page of our website. 
Communication Corner

Check out our
"Schedule of Events" page for updated meeting information. 

Seattle, Gathering of the Eagles, 2015! 
December 11-12, 2015!

Lodging info available on our website.

Share WFJM with your friends, get up-to-date schedules, and even donate via our FaceBook Pages:

WFJM FaceBook Page:


This Week's Schedule:

We want to thank those of you who joined us last week to stand in the gap for our Nation. Nita joined us Friday and shared prophetic revelation for the days ahead- you can find this on our medialog page.

We invite everyone to stand with us as we fight for the healing of our Nation. 

 Click below for PDF with:

Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines. 

This week's prayer times are as follows:

Wednesday Morning
October 28, 2015

10:20-Noon PST
11:20-1PM MST
12:20-2PM CST
1:20-3PM EST

Thursday October 29
Corporate Intercession
5:50-7:30PM PST

Friday October 30
Corporate Intercession
5:50-7:30PM PST

Chinese Translation Line

Sunday November 1
Corporate Intercession
East and West Coast calls combined!


Call in Numbers!

Corporate Intercession
5:50-8PM PST

Chinese Corporate Intercession

Canadian Corporate Intercession
3:20 PM PST
Call in: 712-775-7035
Access code: 444928#
CedarWood Int'l

The CedarWood Pantry:

Monday November 2nd


Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Seattle, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • Coats
  • Shoes
  • Blankets - All sizes
  • Sleeping  bags for the homeless
  • Commercial Freezer PTL - God provided!
  • Our own Van, Box and/or Refrigerator Truck PTL God provided the funds. We're looking for a truck now!
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers (Size 3 & up) & Baby Wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Vivian DuPorter at
If you would like to help with BackPack Kids, contact Ken & Kathy Rickey at 

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.