Subject: Seattle Gathering of the Eagles & “Mysteries of the Spirit” Part B

Dear Friends, 

Our Portland Gathering of the Eagles was a powerful time of teaching and prophetic impartation to the army of the Lord. As promised, those teachings are now available on the “Prophetic Intercessor’s Training Ground” page located on our website. May the Lord richly bless and enrich your walk with Him through these messages.
During our Gathering, we repented before the Lord on behalf of the corruption and deception we see in the Church and in our nation. Despite the time we had available, we see a need for greater repentance over human trafficking as well as intensive intercession for righteous leadership to rise in the mid-term elections. As such, we will focus on these points during our corporate prayer calls. Please see the schedule in the sidebar and plan to join us every week as we continue our fight to see righteousness come forth in our land! The stakes are high, and the warfare is expected to increase over the course of the next month. Stay the course and stay covered, pray Psalms 91 and put the armor of God on each day (Ephesians 6:10-18).

Seattle, Gathering of the Eagles 2018!

God has promised much for this Nation if we will humble ourselves and pray. He is fulfilling those promises to us each and every day. Let's continue to stand in the gap and fight for our Nation! We are making huge strides in the heavenlies my friends, let’s continue to press through to victory! 

Tuesday 12/4: 6-10 PM
Wednesday – Friday 12/5-12/7: 10-2 & 6-10 PM

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Courtyard Seattle North/Lynnwood Everett
4220 Alderwood Mall Blvd
Lynnwood, WA 98036

Room Rates: Room Rate: $109 plus tax if booked by November 16, 2018

Please note: The Hotel will provide two shuttle trips to and from the event for those who book inside our room block.

IMPORTANT - Absolutely no cell phones or recording devices allowed in the services. Please plan to leave them at home, in your hotel room, or in your vehicles during each meeting.

Blessings & love,
Ricci Wilson


Prayer Requests:

Finances: Thank you for continuing to pray over our finances. We have pockets of breakthrough and we are so grateful for them! But, would appreciate your continued prayers on our behalf! Click here if you’d like to learn more about our ministry outreaches. 

Nigeria: please keep the crisis in Nigeria in your daily prayers. There is nothing short of a genocide occurring here and they need our intercessions.


CW Expansion Project Update:

So far, we received monthly pledges for a total of $4691 toward the projected monthly budget increase of $6000! We’ve received just over 78% toward our increase! Thank you for standing with us in this endeavor!

At CedarWood, our clients receive more than just food. They receive prayer as well. I’d like to share the following excerpt from our CW Weekly Report: Perhaps you will remember the report from last week about a woman who received prayer for MS. She told us she went back to her doctor for an exam and they found no indication of the disease in her brain, even though she had been told otherwise in previous visits. Praise God! We continue to pray and believe for her complete healing.

This is what you are helping us build; a community that cares for—and reaches out to—one another.

Again, I invite you to participate in our CW Expansion Project with your pledge of support:

Copy and paste the following statement into an email addressed to She will save your commitment letter and, if you like, sign you up to receive weekly updates with stats and personal stories from our Monday Pantry events. To begin donating today Click here to be taken to our CedarWood Expansion Project donation link.

I/We commit to support the expansion work of CedarWood Int’l by my/our donation of ___________per month. I also agree to partner with you in prayer over this outreach and would welcome weekly correspondence providing updates on the CedarWood Pantry efforts.

Thank you for contributing to World for Jesus Ministries. Your gifts are tax deductible. Click here for a direct donation link!



"The Overcoming Life Through Prayer" by Nita Johnson is now available in Chinese! If you'd like to order your copy today, click here!

We've added the download feature to our website! You can listen online or download from our media log and listen on the go!

You can find more articles and recordings of all our corporate prayer calls on our website?

We have a new section just for Joel's Army News in the sidebar of our e-news? 



The Refining Part 4
"Mysteries of the Spirit"
Part A

by Ricci Johnson-Wilson

After Jesus arose from the dead, He visited many here on earth. He visited the disciples, He appeared to many of the saints here on Earth, and before He ascended to heaven He told them to “Go and wait for the release of My Spirit.” We know the story of the book of Acts—this is the manifestation of the Spirit of God in the earth. The disciples went to the upper room and waited on the Lord. They sought the face of God and prayed, and prayed, and prayed. They were waiting for the gift that was promised to them by Jesus. They knew it would come, as He had never failed them on a single promise He’d given. At the appointed moment, the Holy Spirit was released, manifested by the speaking of tongues as the Holy Spirit was released in and through them. This sign paved the way for the Gospel to be shared, and the Bible tells us that over 3,000 were added to their number that same day. (Acts 2)

Jesus walked with His disciples and gave them a living example of how to live a Spirit-filled life, how to live a life of perfection, not sinning, loving your brother, loving the sinner. And, He fulfilled the law. In Acts 2, we have the impartation of the Holy Spirit, which gives us all that we need to fulfill our call and to function in the Body of Christ. He is not going to call us to do things and not give us the ability to fulfill them. That is not who He is, and in this hour He expects us to do greater things than we’ve ever seen before. Why? Because it is not going to be done in our own strength or power, it is not for our glory, it is to bring forth a move of God! 

We are to be that move of God! If we are not empty vessels, refined and ready to be used by Him, His Spirit cannot flow freely through us. Why? Because if we have not emptied ourselves of who we are, our garbage, our impurities, or if we have not allowed Him to do that work in us as the Spirit flows through us, we are going to grab hold of the credit for ourselves. Then, the enemy is going to jump on that self-credit and fill us up with so much pride that we will quench the move of God that He’s trying to release. When one person quenches the Spirit, it causes a kink in the Body of Christ and this will affect the Body as a whole. We are called to walk in the unity of the Spirit. 

Ephesians 3:1-9 says, “For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward: How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words, Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel: Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power. Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ.”

The Mysteries of God. The word “mystery” means “anything that is hidden.” Anything that is hidden. It is a secret for which initiation is necessary. What is the initiation? Salvation. If we are going to understand the mysteries of God, we have to know God. We must accept Jesus as our Savior and we have to have the impartation of the Holy Spirit into our lives. Why? Because my friends, the revelation that comes forth through that impartation is beyond man’s grasp. We cannot understand the mysteries of God without the Holy Spirit. In the New Testament, this refers to the counsel of God, once hidden but now revealed in the Gospel. 

The mysteries of God involve Christian revelation and impartation of particular truths or details of Christ. The mysteries of God are revelations of Who He is! We don’t get that without His divine intervention. Often as I sit down to read or study the Word, I ask, “Lord, please give me revelation into Your Word.” What does the Word tell us to do? Pray for wisdom, revelation, knowledge, discernment and understanding. (Eph. 1:16-22) Paul prayed this over the Ephesians—should we not pray this over ourselves as well? These are keys that unlock the mysteries of God to us. The more we press in, the more He reveals the mysteries of the kingdom of God. 

In the Bible “mystery” is not something considered unknowable, but rather, it is something that can only be made known through revelation. Why? Because God reveals it to us. Why does He do this? Does He do it for us personally? Yes. But why else? Eph. 3:9 answers this question: “To make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church, the manifold wisdom of God.” Look up the Greek word for “to the intent,” and we find that it means “in order.” 

So, this passage could read, “In order that now the principalities, powers, or authority in heavenly places, might be made known to the Church by the manifold wisdom of God.” Wow! What a powerful statement for the Church today! If we could embrace the truth of this passage, we would see that the purpose of Him releasing the mysteries of God into His children who have pressed in, is to release the manifold presence of God—the manifold wisdom of God. He imparts His gifts, His revelation—all that He imparts within each of us is for one purpose: to release an understanding of Who God is (and what He’s done) into the people of the earth. Why? Think about the magnitude of this for a moment. Coming to know Who God is pulls back the veil separating us from Him. We begin to see who Jesus is, what His salvation means, who the Holy Spirit is and what He means in each of our lives. When we allow Him to do this work within us, then He can impart the mysteries of who He is deep within. Those mysteries are then poured out into the Church. In short, it is for the glory of God and for the edification of the Body of Christ. 

As the body of Christ, we are called to walk in the truths of Ephesians 4:1-16. Up to this point, Paul has been talking about releasing the hidden things of God—the mysteries of who God is. Paul may be sitting in a Roman prison, but his passion to release this message, thereby imparting truth into the Gentiles, does not wane. In Romans 3:1 he says, “For this cause, I Paul, prisoner of Jesus Christ…” Despite his physical surroundings, Paul never saw himself as a prisoner of man; he saw himself as a prisoner of Jesus Christ and in his imprisonment, a defender of the Gospel. (Phil 1:7) Consider the difference when someone takes his or her circumstances and, rather than feeling victimized by even the most dire circumstances, they embrace them as an opportunity to glorify Christ! 

In the fourth chapter of Philippians, Paul says he has learned how to be content in all things. Whether he was hungry or full, bond or free, it did not matter, for all that he did was in the strength which Christ provides. As long as he was serving Jesus Christ to the fullest extent of what He had called him to do, Paul was content, regardless of his external circumstances. He lived His life determined to press into God and expand the Kingdom of God. Paul understood the depth of the mysteries of God that our Lord wanted to deposit within His children. The truth is, overcoming our flesh is a requirement for receiving of the mysteries of God.

To be continued next week…

Blessings & Love,

Ricci Johnson-Wilson

Seattle, Gathering of the Eagles 2018!

Join us December 4-7, 2018 for our Seattle, Gathering of the Eagles!

Tuesday 12/4: 6-10 PM
Wednesday – Friday 12/5-12/7: 10-2 & 6-10 PM

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Courtyard Seattle North/Lynnwood Everett
4220 Alderwood Mall Blvd
Lynnwood, WA 98036

Room Rates: Room Rate: $109 plus tax if booked by November 16, 2018


Click here for This Week's Schedule:

We invite everyone to stand with us as we fight for the healing of our Nation.

Click below for PDF with:
Flash Phone Instructions

Flash Phone Access
Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines.

Smartphone users (when connect to wifi) click here for instructions to download the or APP and start using the internet to join our calls instead of your minutes!

Wednesday October 10
10:20am - 12:30pm PST
11:20am - 1:30pm MST
12:20pm - 2:30pm CST
1:20pm - 3:30pm EST

Thursday October 11
Call In
5:20pm - 5:30pm PST
5:30pm - 6:00pm PST
6:00pm - 7:00pm PST

Friday October 12
5:50pm - 7:30pm PST
6:50pm - 8:30pm MST
7:50pm - 9:30pm CST
8:50pm - 10:30pm EST


Sunday October 14th

Corporate Intercession Line
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese Translation Line
Access Code: 336087

This week's prayer times are as follows:

Interactive Corporate Prayer Call
East and West Coast calls combined!

Chinese Corporate Intercession
ACCESS CODE: 800754#

Canadian Corporate Intercession
3:20 PM PST
Call in: 867-292-3030
Access code: 8286487#

Korean Corporate Intercession
Access Code: 881779#
5:00pm - 7:00pm PST

All are welcome to attend any of the above calls.

Be sure to check the PCL/PCM section of our website for this week's Prayer Points and Resources!

Still experiencing WEBSITE LOGIN troubles? Contact the office and we'll get you set up!

Fill the Gap Campaign! 

If you live in one of these states consider joining Joel's Army. Don't leave your state unprotected!!
  • Maine
  • Rhode Island
  • New Hampshire
  • Wyoming
  • Utah
  • Puerto Rico


Thank you for your continued support of this outreach. Lives are changed each week through our CW Pantry and support team. Check out our FaceBook page for details.
October 15th
1-2:30 PM

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • Child Sponsorship - $34.99 per month provides essential nutrition to a child in need
  • Shoes
  • Blankets - All sizes
  • Sleeping bags for the homeless
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers (Size 3 & up) & baby wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Adam Shephard at Cedarwoodinternationalwfjm

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.