Dear Friends,
This week, our schedule as well as our prayer time will run a little different.
Schedule Change- Wednesday and Thursday, we will come together at 4:50 PM PST. (There will be no Wednesday morning call.)
God’s great intervention is coming when we least expect it!
I invite you to join us both Wednesday and Thursday for this tactical time of prayer. We will be praying into several dreams and visions the Lord has given both Nita and Ricci, then engaging in the necessary warfare to break strongholds. God has given us detailed strategy, and this is a pivotal week; we must engage with the leading of the Spirit of God. We are thankful that the Lord is using the intercession of the saints to protect and stabilize this nation during a very critical time in our history. Thank you for your faithfulness!
Joel’s Army- Downloads for helping the intercessors become more effective warriors: Our online prayer calls provide the opportunity for those who are unable to travel to our Gathering of the Eagle’s conferences a chance to engage in prayer with us and we appreciate hearing that it has blessed you to be part of the work we are doing for the nation. As I shared last week, we have various types of prayer that occur on our line and it can be intense. Our Joel’s Army Coordinators, Kin and Debbie Clark assembled a
“Q&A on Intercession” to help you provide a Biblical understanding of the different types of prayer to your friends and loved ones. This is taken straight from Nita Johnson’s “Advanced Prayer” series and can help intercessors at all levels gain greater Biblical understanding of prayer and even provide scriptural context to help you, help others! I pray it blesses you!
For those who are new to World for Jesus prayer calls and are interested in being a part of a high-level intercessory team, consider joining Joel’s Army. You can fill out an online application and we will take you through a brief interview and connect you with prayer cells in your area. Joel’s Army was ordained by God to be a stabilizing force in the earth. You can read more about the commissioning of Joel’s Army in our
“Save the Nations Campaign”
Take Action! I know people sometimes feel we need to stay out of politics, but that is the world’s way of thinking. If the Church does not influence the nation in which we live, who will? If the righteous do not act, the unrighteous certainly will. We have a responsibility before God to take action, and I feel a responsibility to ensure you know what issues must be brought down. That said, please note, in the next two weeks Congress will be hearing several key issues, HR-1 “For the People Act” which is very dangerous for our nation. It will codify the election fraud that took place in the 2020 election. HR-5 “The Equality Act,” another dangerous bill that will effectively silence the voice of the church in this country and ensure a genderless society is pushed upon not only every business in America, but the educational system will indoctrinate our children with this ungodly doctrine. These cannot pass the senate. Please keep this in prayer and call your senator and tell them to vote “NO” on both HR-1 and HR-5.
Thank you again for your faithfulness!
We love and bless you!
Ricci Johnson-Wilson on behalf of Nita Johnson and the WFJM Team