Subject: "Leave Egypt and Prepare" Part A by Nita LaFond Johnson

This Week's Events:
Dear friends, 

Sixteen years ago, the Lord commission Nita to begin the Gathering of the Eagles in order to bring intercessors together in an effort to repent and intercede before the Lord over the centuries of injustices and innocent blood-shed that occurred on our land. Our cup of sin was about to overflow and in His mercy, God desired to unleash healing and revival, rather than His wrath, upon our Nation. The atrocities committed since this nation’s inception, while not done by us directly, must be repented over before we can see His Spirit send forth Revival upon our land. Thus, the Gatherings were born! 

Almost four years ago, the Lord gave Nita an additional step to save not only this Nation, but the Nations containing intercessors who are willing to stand in the gap and answer the call to prayer. “Raise up prayer warriors, they shall be called “Joel’s Army” and their purpose is to stand as a prayer shield in their Nation. Their presence will reach down into the earth and bring forth stability across the land!” Since this time, we have raised up intercessors in almost 50 nations around the world.

Saving the Nations is not a task we take lightly. Many of you are already in Joel’s Army and you understand the seriousness of this commission. Being a part of Joel’s Army affords you the benefit of standing for your Nation with a prophetic intercessory ministry. Why is this important? Because the Lord provides specific prayer points to pray over regarding the Nation and as such, we pray according to His will and not our own. 

When you join Joel’s Army you enter into intensive training. We have Prayer Cell Members (PCM) and Prayer Cell Leaders (PCL). (This is also available for our Mandarin-speaking intercessors.)

Each member receives:
  • Field Kit containing two of Nita’s books and three CD series along with a study guide to aid in your development as an intercessor. 
  • A connection team (here in the States) that makes every attempt to connect Joel’s Army Members to the intercessors in their area so they can come together and pray with like-minded intercessors. 
  • A support system dedicated to guide and develop you as an intercessor.
  • Twice a month, Nita seeks the Lord and writes a special message just for the Joel’s Army Members (sent out via email.) 
  • Live, personalized training as led by Kin & Debbie Clark twice a month (via conference call - available for our Prayer Cell Leaders.) 
  • Access to Regional Training and Development Seminars 

This is a heavy responsibility that requires great sacrifice and yet, it is a work that is deeply rewarding. Many intercessors, upon joining Joel’s Army, felt that “they were finally home”. Perhaps the most gripping testimony, “I felt misunderstood, alone, almost an outcast because I had this burden that no one understood…and then… I met the intercessors of Joel’s Army and everything fell into place. I knew that this was why I was created and I was finally going to be able to fulfill my call!” 

If you are an intercessor and God has placed a burden for the Nation upon your heart and you’d like to join other intercessors who share this burden, click here to begin the application process. After we receive your application, we will contact you for an interview. This process has been designed with you in mind and is for your protection. Once you are confirmed, you will begin experiencing the benefits of being a part of a network of intercessors that has been specifically commissioned to Save the Nations!

For more information, go to the Joel’s Army Page of our website.

Blessings & love,
Ricci Wilson

Following is the first installment of “Leave Egypt and Prepare". I pray it will help you prepare for the days ahead. 


Leave Egypt and Prepare

Part A


Nita Johnson

Seattle Services

Hebrews 11:24; 24[Aroused] by faith Moses, when he had grown to maturity and [f]become great, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter,

I love this, it says: aroused by faith. When God arouses us by faith, He also imparts to us all things necessary for the journey, for the task; He will so often put wisdom in our hearts to accompany that faith so that we know in what direction that faith is to be released. If we are walking in presumption, we’re going to miss that wisdom.

God may assign us a task and we may move prematurely and be without that wisdom, even though the assignment really was from the Lord. But I love this in the Bible: 24[Aroused] by faith Moses, when he had grown into maturity and become great, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter.

Now this is the day that we are in. Pharaoh has extended his hand and throughout the world the Church is being pressured and oppressed by our leaders; the faith of the Church and the righteousness of the Church is under attack. How many of you are noticing our leaders are beginning to say things that seem to oppose the righteousness of God? That grieves the heart doesn’t it? Sometimes you even have to fight anger, don’t you? But maybe some of that anger comes out of fear, because if there is no fear of God in the hearts of our leaders, where are they going to lead us?
Pharaoh is extending his staff over the peoples of the earth as well as nations all over the world and in his heart there is a vision that is growing. The vision has been there for many generations: that the day would come when the people of the earth would be the slaves of the masters—there would be no middle-class society. There wouldn’t even be a lower class society but rather masters and servants. They call it a feudal society. It’s been around for a long time, and their goal is to have the whole world like this. They would have a certain amount of masters; not a lot, and then they would have—I can’t exactly remember the figure now—but a global population of about five-hundred million slaves. 

So, five-hundred million subordinates; five-hundred million servants; five-hundred million slaves, and we would be here only to serve the elite. We would be here only to serve the masters. That is where they’re headed and have been for many generations. But listen to this… While Pharaoh is extending his staff and the order of the day is oppression—you know, they’re doing it in such a way like the old proverbial story of boiling a frog on the stove. You heat the water little by little and the poor frog doesn’t even know he is being cooked because his body acclimates to the temperature; so much so, that he will not even try to escape. This is the same mentality that they’ve been using with the people of the earth. The problem might be that they’re moving a little quicker, a little faster and people are waking up, becoming more troubled with what they’re seeing and hearing, which might cause somewhat of a revolution because people are going to start getting real scared when they see these masters. These leaders are taking us right down the primrose path to destruction.

You just never know what people are going to do. But I love that Moses was in the upper echelon, living in the palace with Pharaoh though he was a child of God who had divinely planted him there. He sees what Pharaoh and the other elite are doing; he sees how he is making servants or slaves out of his people more and more every day. He sees the slaves getting younger and younger and if he doesn’t like what’s happening he just starts slaughtering. He sees this and he is very displeased. Here he is living in luxury, really the next in line to the throne; if he just plays his cards right and keeps his cool he’ll be the next on the throne. But his heart can’t bear it; he has a noble heart. His heart can’t bear what he sees, how Egypt is entrapping the people of God. Some might say, “Well, he was next in line to the throne; why didn’t he just hang around and then when Pharaoh finally died he could take over his place and ease the burden.” It’s because that’s not what he was called to do—that’s why. He was called to bring division. He was called not to make the people of God at peace in Egypt but to bring them all the way out of Egypt. 

You’re not delivered until you’re out of the thing. Staying there engulfed in the majesty of Egypt (because it was a most majestic kingdom) as a people of God was not going to serve God’s purpose at all, because they were not called to raise up a nation in Egypt, but to raise up a nation in Canaan. There had to be a division, a separation; the bringing down of Egypt’s gods and those who love them and serve them. Of course Moses may not have understood all of this, but one thing he knew was that he could not connect with Egypt the way they expected him to and the Bible helps us understand why. It says: Faith imparted that wisdom into his heart. Actuated by faith, Moses, when he had grown into maturity—that’s the next point. There is a maturity of the times and seasons, one that has to take place in the soul for you to have the strength and grace to rise up and flee Egypt. There is the maturity of the call that must happen. be continued next week...

In His Amazing Love,
Nita Johnson

Check our "Schedule of Events" page for updated meeting information. 


DC, Gathering of the Eagles, 2015! 
August 24-28, 2015!

Go to our Schedule of Events Page for more details including the registration links for the above conference! 

Share WFJM with your friends:

Corporate Intercession:

Wednesday Morning
May 20, 2015
10:20-Noon PST
11:20-1PM MST
12:20-2PM CST
1:20-3PM EST

Thursday & Friday  
May 21 & 22, 2015
5:50-7:30pm PST
6:50-8:30pm MST
7:50-9:30pm CST
8:50-10:30pm EST

Sunday May 24, 2015 Memorial Day Weekend - 
No Corporate Intercession

Canadian Corporate Intercession

All are welcome to attend any of the above calls. 
CedarWood Food Bank

The CedarWood Pantry:

Monday May 25th


Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Seattle, WA 98043

-Volunteers are needed to assist in the set up and tear down of the Pantry each week. Contact the office for more details. 

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • Diapers & Baby Wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry
  • Our own Box and/or Refrigerator Truck

Donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Vivian DuPorter at
If you would like to help with BackPack Kids, contact Ken & Kathy Rickey at 

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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