Subject: "Hunger for God is not enough" Part D by Nita Johnson

This Week's Events:
Deliverance will Surely Come
Nita Johnson
The following prayer is recorded in a book entitled "Miracle of America- the Birth of a Nation." It is a beautiful story, one full of shining examples of faith, and one that shows that God always has the supernatural up His sleeve. He has shown strength for those who love Him so often, even a single generation would be hard-pressed to count them.
Today we are hoping for Him to show His strength for America once again. Unfortunately, one could question whether or not we deserve this assistance. One might say that America is a lost hope; with all the debauchery and corruption, all the evil we are guilty of, and the fruits of which we carry with us. To add to this, the innocent blood we continue to shed is filling this nation-wide cup of wrongdoing. On the one hand it seems like we cannot weep enough tears fast enough to compensate for the blood that is being spilled on every corner of the world on a daily basis- courtesy of our government. On the other hand, with the help of Christ, we can begin to stop this bloodshed and make reparations for these crimes.
We are indeed guilty of great amounts of sin, and you could argue that we deserve the worst possible judgment from our Father. However, His grace, has determined that His assistance will be greater than our sin. He has asked for our repentance so He could use the force of His sorrow over our actions to cleanse the Land of our crimes. He looks at our erring ways, but balances them with our acts of mercy. 
The nation has fallen, yet the Church still struggles to hear His voice and do right. Of course, the Church needs a much greater measure of Christ as well! We need to shake ourselves awake, and He is going to help us. We need the loving discipline of our Father and He will provide. In so doing, He is also going to raise His lofty hand as He did in the days of King David and bring this vortex of swirling events to a close. He will restore and He will heal. The plans of our enemy are going to fail as the Lord cries, “Let My People Go!” We may think there will be no hope. Even then, we will look on the horizon of despair and see a hand from heaven reaching down to deliver us. Winds will blow, the torrents will be rising, we will cry out to our Holy Father, the fires of revival will light all around the Nation and we will see His love as He delivers us. We will surely see the troubles I have seen and spoken about for many decades, and we will think He changed His mind and that deliverance will not come. When we least expect it, He will deliver us out of our self-made storm and once again cause us to humbly stand together as a nation. He will clothe us with forgiveness and the beauty of His glorious holiness.
Remember to read the story below. We sent this to you as a word of encouragement. Please hold it tight. Print it out and put it in your Bible. It is a Word that will not fail.
In His Amazing Love,
Nita Johnson
Deliver us from our enemy...
These were the words of Reverend Prince as he stood at the pulpit of the Old South Church in Massachusetts on October 1746.
France send a fleet of nearly 100 ships to burn the coastal cities of America and the people were gathered together in prayer.
As he stood at the pulpit he lead the congregation in mighty prayer. “Send Thy tempest, Lord, upon the waters to the eastword! Raise Thy right hand. Scatter the ships of our tormentors and drive them hence. Sink their proud frigates beneath the power of Thy winds!”
Within minutes the shutters started slamming violently and the church bell began to ring erratically.
He paused, and then with hands raised high above his head he declared, “We hear thee! We hear Thy voice, O Lord! We hear it! Thy breath is upon the waters to the eastward, even upon the deep. Thy bell tolls for the death of our enemies!”
He then reverently bowed his head with tears streaming down his face and said, “Thine be the glory, Lord. Amen and amen!.”
This is just one of hundreds of miracles that occurred during the early days of America. Twenty-two of these powerful stories are retold in The Miracle of America – Birth of a Nation.
Accompanied with beautiful artwork, this 57 page coffee table book is a perfect gift to inspire, uplift, and give hope to the discouraged American.

Part "D"
Nita Johnson
You have an opportunity to be what God created you to be: a mature son of God. You have the opportunity to walk in union with Christ, to walk above the clouds and the storm, and to have the wings and eyes of an eagle so that you can see beyond any hindrance that would come your way. The wings give you great strength. You have the opportunity to walk in the garden with Jesus and to hear Him call you by name. I can promise you, your name will never sound sweeter than when it comes out of the mouth of Christ. You have the opportunity to walk with Him, talk with Him, and ask Him questions that He will answer. You have the opportunity to believe for things greater than you ever thought could happen. You have the opportunity to walk in heaven while still on this earth—if you will just pay the price. If a man can play the piano for eight hours a day and get worldwide acclaim, isn't it worth it to push away the plate of the world to have the accla im of God?
When the angel came to Daniel, he did not say, “For thou art greatly beloved” (Dan 9:23) because Daniel was a eunuch who did a great job in the Kingdom, giving much glory to the God of Abraham. He did not even think about that. Daniel was a righteous man. Because he lived righteously before God in the midst of a place like Nazi Germany, the angel Gabriel said, “A man greatly beloved.” (Dan 10:11) He was willing to stand in the righteousness of his faith in God, even if it would cost him his life. Daniel never walked in the council of the ungodly. If you make that decision, it does not mean you will be put in a comfortable place. There were many Jewish people in more comfortable places, but they did not have the walk with God that Daniel did.
During a city-wide conference, with many ministers in attendance, I asked the Lord, “What do You want me to speak on during this conference?” The Lord took me up to heaven, and He said to me, “I want you to speak on this theme. If you want to live where Daniel lived with God, then walk like Daniel walked.” By the time that conference was over, I had so many people angry with me because I told them what I am telling you. They did not want to hear it. It is not charismatic charismata where you can live any way that you want to live, flow in the gifts, and God will minister healing, and maybe even miracles, through you. It is not about that. Our life here is about Christ. The gifts and the healings are wonderful, but they cannot supplant the Lord Himself. We cannot stop there; we must seek His face. We must desire Him in us, the hope of glory. (Col 1:27) We must desire to learn to walk in the same nature and character as was in our Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise, we will remain babes in the Spirit for as long as we walk on this earth.
The trials that do the chipping of the old, sinful nature are never easy trials. They are not the trials we want. We want to get out from under it as quickly as possible while we have our pistol going in every direction, blaming everyone for our discomfort, when God is trying to, by the Word of His power, chip away that which so cleverly clings. Am I telling the truth? But when you humble yourself and not only allow, but invite correction, doing whatever you need to do to cleanse your soul for Him, then when Jesus looks at the interior of your soul, He smiles. When He smiles, He becomes transparent and His face lights up. When this work is complete, and He looks inside of you and sees the beauty of that cleansed place in which He can put His throne, and you see Him smile at you, it is worth it. He will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of the Lord.” (Mt 25:23) Believe me, the day you hear that, your whole life was worth whatever it took to get you there.. 
In HIm, 
To be continued next week.

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Corporate Intercession will resume January, 2014

CedarWood Food Bank
Our CW Pantry will be Open Monday December 16nd.
We are in need of Volunteers to help in the following areas: 
The Food Bank:
-We need help with set up and tear down. Perhaps you have 1 or 2 Mondays available per month that you can participate in this blessing. If so, this would allow our volunteers to alternate. 
-Volunteers are needed to collect food from the various sources in the Seattle area during the week. 
Coats & Clothes Closet:
-Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
BackPack Kids:
-We need volunteers for the assembly of kits for distribution to our schools. 
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Kathy or Ken Rickey at 
We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week. 
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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