Subject: Critical call to Prayer! Join us our corporate call tonight and stand with us daily!

Dear Friends & Intercessors,

Rather than inundate you with emails today, I'm going to address three separate but crucial issues:
Corporate Prayer Call tonight: The crisis in North Carolina is spiking, and we need to tackle this in prayer. Tonight's corporate call will focus on stabilizing the situation. We will address the misinformation released through the media, the rioters (many paid by Soros) who travel to these areas to incite tense situations and provoke the crowds to acts of violence, and how the political arena uses these events. One of our Joel's Army prayer points for the last several weeks has been to pray against the fires Hillary will set to manipulate and provoke the masses. (Nita saw this in several visions.) Today, her speeches are doing this further inciting agitated citizens; we need to pray this down. I’ve placed some links below for you to view in preparation for our time together tonight.

Link one Hillary's response
Link two Charlotte fires
Link three Rioters from out of state
Link four Soros funding protesters

Please join us at 5:50 PM PST to stand in the gap for our Nation!

Corporate Intercession Line
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese Translation Line
Access Code: 336087

A critical prayer request: The time for the DC Gathering of the Eagles is almost upon us, and the battle has begun. Those of you who have been with us for a while understand the warfare we experience several weeks before our GOEs, and I'm pulling those of you willing to stand in the gap for World for Jesus Ministries.

We have been hit on two fronts:

Nita's health. God commissioned her to do the work of the GOEs that we might save our Nation and pave the way for a move of God until anything we've ever seen before. He promised that He would send this before war would come to our soil if we would pray. Her health has taken a hard hit. As you know, the Lord healed her heart last year but the complications from over a decade of life-threatening struggles left her body weak. Her Spirit remains strong and full of hope, but her body does need prayer. She's on the verge of severe bronchitis and coupled with diabetes which delays the recovery of her body puts her in a dangerous place. Please, commit time to pray for her until after the GOE.

Our finances. Our finances always get hit just before the Gathering. Please stand with us - we need a breakthrough in this area in the next week.

Thank you for praying. Thank you for joining our calls and praying for us in your own personal prayers. We treasure each of you and pray for you daily.

Blessings & Love,

Ricci Wilson

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