Subject: A Special Letter from Nita to You!

A Special Letter From Nita to You!
Dear Friends:

I have a great need to pour my heart into yours today! I have a fire burning for America deep within that I must release. I must speak to you on this matter with all the passion I have in the Lord. I beseech you to listen and to prayerfully consider my words.

I have a problem! Can it be resolved? That is up to the Church. I have been down due to a malfunctioning heart, unable to do much of anything for 3 months, as of today. However, while I have been forced into a brief sabbatical my spirit is strong, my team is strong, and the vision I carry is anything but dead. We are not even in hibernation mode. I still have a vision, and it is as vibrant as the day Jesus gave it to me 14 years ago. My problem is not with my vision. Yet, I consider those who seem to be losing their vision. Satan wants you in a slumber so you will quit obstructing his plans. I herein want to give a strong warning against yielding to the enemy’s tactics: Awake and put on your strength, Church! The time to contend is NOW!

This is the true question. What is God’s vision? It is simple. Save America!!! The Lord gave me two things which must be accomplished for that to happen. First, we must fulfill the commissioned work of the GOE's (Gathering of the Eagles), which He Himself ordered to "Save America!" Second, we must raise up a force of intercessors and pull together the people of prayer into an Army the Lord calls “Joel's Army!” This prayer army must fight the kingdom of darkness in all the nations of the world, first and foremost, in America!! Our mission in America's JA is to “Wrest America from the hands of the Illuminati while there is still time!” Again, the singular call, the vision, is to "Save America!" We must Save America! We can, and we must! This is the Lord’s heart!

I sense some people have wrestled with many questions regarding the ministry and my participation at this time. Perhaps you yourself have said, "With Nita down, do we still have to be busy praying together until she gets back? Does she still need our prayer or financial support during this time? Can we just wait until we see what she is going to do before we ready our hearts for the DC GOE? Should I wait to make travel arrangements until I know for certain she is going there?" Friends, do not be of that ilk! The Lord has promised that I will be there!

Whither I am present or not, America still needs you to stand your ground and join us in our weekly intercessions! We still need you to stand for us and with us, we still need you to support our mutual work and vision because it is exploding across the face of the globe. Although we have sought to keep our paid staff as small as possible, the explosion has gone beyond our financial ability to carry it and our small staff is running, trying to keep up with the ever-increasing growth. As the Lord said to me, I say to you: the need for Joel’s Army is urgent. Now, so is ours. Our staff is overworked. They do not complain as they love what they do. However, people cannot labor long under such an unremitting work-load.

We ask you to prayerfully commit to investing in America by helping us move forward with your (committed) support. Rich, will be your reward, I promise you. I mentioned this only once before and even now hesitate in doing so, as in no way do I want to appear to manipulate anyone into giving or serving in this ministry. However, I think it would be a blessing to know that in doing by faith what the Lord puts upon your heart, you are going to know blessings. The Angel of the Lord came to me a couple of years ago and told me that the world-wide explosion we are birthing is far beyond our wildest dreams or hopes. The world has never before seen what God is about to release. Because of the heavy labor and the demanding price we (that is you who have walked with us unflinchingly in prayer, with your finances and in various areas of labor and we here at WFJM) have paid to secure this blessing for humanity, the Lord is going to supernaturally bless you. Everyone who has stood with us on behalf of His will and vision will come under that blessing. I am being as real with you as I know how. I have wept over this promise, as it means everything to me that God would do that. It also speaks to me about the importance of this mission.

The Gatherings: We have had, on average, 3 a year, for 13 years. During that time we have seen so many answers to specific prayers, their impact is almost staggering to recollect. All told, what is about to occur could not happen without the previous interventions of our Lord. Our next Gathering promises to produce even more, as I have received several prophecies from ministers to that effect. We know at this moment, however, awaiting us in DC is a great lion that we must fight. We have an enemy that is very real and so highly skilled he will win if we become lax, or worse, quit fighting altogether. We must look him in the face and contend for victory! Those on the front lines who are trying to fight by various means of the media as well as those attempting to engage the battle within government cannot fight effectively if we are not behind them, praying and doing our part.

This is a surreal battle. People like George Washington, Andrew Jackson (who successfully defeated the second Central bank, disallowing it in America) and Abraham Lincoln, never saw a battle like the one in which we are engaged today for America. It is neither my intent to diminish their legacies, nor their great accomplishments, indeed, just the opposite is true. I am trying to say that if they had enormous battles to fight, and they did, then we as a ministry and as a Nation face an even greater. This present battle is so great that we HAVE to win. This victory is not optional! We cannot fail! We cannot lose!! We have no choice but to win. If we do not win, America - and subsequently the whole world - will crash. I am not attempting to hyperbolize, nor to play the alarmist. I am crying out to awaken America's intercessors to arise and open your eyes!

Look at the times. The Illuminati has increased its forceful push because they are determined to have a certain, and imminent victory. When a hungry, bloodthirsty lion has set his sights upon you for his next meal, and is running full speed across the wilderness terrain, closing the gap, you must instantly resolve to win the battle at all cost - if not - then he surely will. It is too late to start running away, hoping he will not catch you because he was created as a master hunter and you are a mere mortal, lacking both his speed and skill. You will have one chance to save your life and you must make the most of it. Dr. Livingston was twice confronted with that very scenario as he traveled across Africa in his mission journey. Both times, as the lion approached for the kill, he looked him in the face and stared him down with divine authority. Livingston prevailed. In like manner, we must not turn away or avert our gaze. We must stand our ground as he did and win! We must decide that we are going to enter the DC arena and win America. The Lion of the NWO cannot win! You must grab hold of your own responsibility to meet this battle and define its outcome with an all or nothing resolve. This is a call to true warriors! The Lion is so close to victory or utter defeat. Notwithstanding, the precipice of conflict is ours to command, if we will. We can win or we can say it is too hard, too costly, and give up and turn away. Rather than victory, defeat, shame and reproach will cover our faces because we did not stand until the victor’s crown would grace our heads. I am just being honest! Jesus said, “Put your hand to the plow and do not look back!”

It is true Satan launched an all-out attack against me. His thoughts were to strike the shepherd thinking the sheep would scatter. He did that once before in 2005. However, he will not win. He struck my daughter’s and my health, our finances, and he has blanketed many of the intercessors with an attitude of complacency until they know my outcome. I want you to know and be confident that I am still standing and will not lay down my head until we win America! Further, the Lord has assured me that He will lift me up to continue this fight and has already begun to do so. I will be the first to arrive in DC and the last to leave. I will leave only because we have fulfilled the mandate for this next GOE!

My dear Friends; friends of America, God needs you now more than ever! It is imperative that you do everything in your power to join us and help fight for our Nation. We will win, if we will fight! Further, we need you to rejoin the weekly praying army. We also want to encourage you to prayerfully engage us with your faith and financial support as we are undergoing a great challenge in this arena. Lastly, come to DC, move forward in faith as we are doing, and watch the hindrances fall away. Join us and see with your own eyes the victory of the Lord!
If I may, I want to say one more thing before closing; Glenn Beck, whose heart for America I deeply appreciate, recently held a rally in DC. As I pondered his efforts, I thought, “He calls a rally and 15,000 attend. His rally may get peoples’ attention but it will not save America.” We are calling for prayer warriors to come to that same city. We should see thousands show up. Where are the people of true power and true faith? Where are the true lovers of America who will stand in the gap even at great personal expense? Just 5% of the national population determined the victory over essentially the same enemy, under General George Washington in America’s War of Independence. If only 1% of the Christian population came to DC this September we would have a city full of praying men and women. The prayers of the righteous avail much! Need I say more? I speak in earnest when I say, “COME! GOD NEEDS YOU!” You will never be sorry! I might also add, you will never be the same!

In His Great Love,

Nita Johnson
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