Subject: 12 Pillars of God: "Truth, Session Two, Part B"

Dear Friends,

My intro is short; we’ve got serious issues to face this year and together, we can accomplish much through prayer, so that’s where my focus is today.

Below you have three opportunities to join and help us pray this Nation through to victory!

-Join our corporate prayer this week as we stand in the gap for this Nation! Tuesday & Wednesday 10:20-Noon. Thursday & Friday 5:50-7:30 PM. See the phone numbers in the sidebar.

-Joel’s Army Florida Rally! April 16th at 9-5 at Calvary Christian Center in Orange Park, Florida. Click for registration link

-Seattle, Gathering of the Eagles, 2016! May 12-14th – only 300 seats available. See below for a special letter from Nita along with a link for registration.

Blessings & love,


Below is a special invite from Nita for our upcoming Seattle Gathering!


Dear Friends:

Do not look at Donald Trump as simply a man in this video. Look at him as being a mountain of HOPE. As he is speaking, hear his words as the Lord's words.

As I watched this video, I felt a strong and powerful anointing, one that is very unusual in its import. I kept thinking; I have felt this before, but I could not remember when. Finally, the Lord spoke to me saying: what you are experiencing is the "Spirit of Revolution" that I gave you to experience when you were ministering in Missouri many years ago. It now rests upon Trump, a man who has become a trumpet in My hands. I wept, and I think you will too.

And one more thing; you can believe all these things I have ever told you about God's plan for America. However, if you do not pray, these things will not occur. You can love to hear Donald Trump speak and feel comforted by the Anointing that God placed on him, but if we do not vote it will not matter, and we will only have ourselves to blame. Faith without works is dead. In other words, our belief must accompany our actions.

Take a stand for America and be pleasing to God!!! Join us at Pastor Matt's Church in the Seattle for our next GOE, May 12-14, 2016. This thing must be dealt with before the primaries are over, it must! Time is short for our Nation, so join us and together, we will prepare the way for the coming of the Lord's redemption.

Date: May 12-14, 2016

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Lodging details to follow!

Pre-registration is required!

Love to you all!

Nita Johnson

Following is the first installment of Nita Johnson's "12 Pillars of God: Truth, Session Two, Part B".


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12 Pillars of God


Session Two

Part - B


Nita Johnson

Transcription of New Orleans Teaching

Transcript from July 2010 New Orleans Teaching

From Last week…

God has been preparing this nation for over one hundred years for this hour—are we ready? No! Once the Lord gave me the following experience – I can’t remember now if it was a dream or vision because it was many years ago. I was feeling very discouraged, telling the Lord: I share, and share and the people—they just think I’m entertaining them. They are not striving to prepare themselves for the days ahead, Lord; maybe I’m misunderstanding things, maybe the problem is not all of them, maybe the problem is me. Help me understand how to talk to Your Church to provoke them.

In response, Jesus gave me this experience. In this experience, I was standing on an ocean beach. I found myself in a subdivision populated by all Christians. All kinds of Christians knew each other and they all agreed that this was the subdivision we needed to buy in; the whole subdivision was Christians. I was going house to house, knocking on each door of the subdivision, trying to warn each Christian about what was coming. In every case, I got the same response: Oh, I’m not worried about that, look at this house—God gave me an answer to my prayers, God answers my prayers. I’d go to the next house and they’d say: I’m not worried about that, you see that car in the driveway? God answers my prayers; He’ll take care of me and my family. Then I’d go to the next house, and they would say: You see these children in my house? God answers my prayers, and He’ll take care of me. I don’t have to worry at all. And that is how it went from house to house. I was so discouraged. I went for a walk on the beach.

As I walked along the beach, I looked into the air and heard people laughing above me. Two of the people I had met earlier in the subdivision were sitting on this wind glider up in the air above me and were laughing, just having a great time, and I said, “Why are you playing in the world? Why are you up there laughing as though you’ve got no concerns about the future? What are you doing?” “We told you at our house: we have no worries. God gave us what we want, He listens to us when we pray, and He will take care of us, so we don’t worry about any of that stuff. Now we’re having a party,” they yelled. As I was talking to them, I looked out into the ocean and saw a huge black pillar jetting straight up out of the ocean. The pillar quickly turned into a black wave. It kept growing and growing until it became a huge tidal wave. I knew that this tidal wave was going to come crashing down on the city and the first people hit by it were going to be the people up there on the hang-glider having a party. I screamed at the top of my lungs and said, “Look – what I have warned you about! It is here!” They looked and their faces turned to horror because they knew there was no way to escape what was about to happen. This was a foretelling of the NOLA tragedy.

God wants to release a strong message into the Church of this hour. He wants to prepare you for the threshold that we are standing upon. We’re not talking about future things anymore. We’re talking about what is in our lap, what is in our face. God will do some things, I believe with all my heart, to set the plan of the New World Order back just a little bit but it’s not going to be for long because we are in the last days. We are in the time of the release of the apocalyptic horses. It is upon us, it is no longer futuristic. One of the problems with the Church, and some of you may be very offended by what I’m going to say, but I’ve got to tell you the truth. The Church thinks we’re going to be OK, hidden and beyond discomfort. I think most of you know this isn’t true but maybe not all of you know it, but so much of the Church believes we don’t have to worry about those difficult days because the Church is going to be taking up in a pre-tribulation rapture. I want to tell you that that is not Scriptural and it’s not what the Bible teaches. We are going to be here but God will make us strong if we will press in and make ourselves ready; He will prepare us so that we cannot be overcome by the difficulties we are facing. What do you think is going to happen to the Church around the globe that believes we’re not going to be here for those very difficult days? It is one of the greatest tricks the enemy has ever played on the Church; to cause the Church to believe we are going to be the great escape artists of the last days. It was a terrible, terrible crime committed against God’s Church. But, you know, there is something in the heart of those who want truth that knows that this teaching is erroneous and those who want truth are preparing themselves—even though by and large the Church will fight against the truth, mostly because of fear. Those who want truth are preparing their hearts and souls so they can be strong for their families in the days ahead.

God will help us, but what can He do if you don’t want the truth that will put you into a place of safety? Amen? So, the first pillar I’ve written down tonight is truth. Being a man or woman who wants truth more than you want to breathe. Think about the days of our Lord Jesus Christ. Think about Pilate, Caiaphas and the other people of power and influence that He stood before. Here were these officials, and there, standing before their face, was truth personified, but they were so blind to what truth really was. You know, it was all relative to them, wasn’t it—just like it is today. What is truth? It was all relative, just like today. So the truth stood before them in living color, life itself beyond anything we could imagine, and they didn’t even recognize Him.

But here we have today, God’s Bride, His Church, who again is not recognizing truth though it stands before us. How do we remedy this chronic problem? Can I be really tough with you for a minute? Where we quit pampering ourselves and we choose truth even when it is hard or when it hurts; even when it means that we are going to be required to endure for the sake of the truth we are given? When are we going to choose to be tough? I’ve heard that in the greatest marathons there are times when people die, even though they’ve done much preparation. They run because really deep, deep down inside they have a motivation to compete for the prize. They go through all of the rigors of preparation and running a marathon is not easy; it is hard. I used to run and it was wonderful, but you get past a certain point when you’re running when in your body you start feeling the exhaustion. You really have to go through the rigors to prepare for a long marathon and the Church needs to come to that same mentality, to go through the rigors of preparing for truth. It’s the mindset that says: I’m going to do whatever my soul needs, whatever my heart requires – I’m going to do it so that I may have truth, because truth is what is going to save me in the days ahead. Amen?

To be continued next week…

In His Amazing Love,
Nita Johnson

This Week's Schedule:

We invite everyone to stand with us as we fight for the healing of our Nation.

Click below for PDF with:
Flash Phone Instructions

Flash Phone Access
Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines.

Corporate Intercession Line
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese Translation Line
Access Code: 336087

This week's prayer times are as follows:

Tuesday April 5
Wednesday April 6
10:20-Noon PST
11:20-1PM MST
12:20-2PM CST
1:20-3PM EST

Thursday April 7
Friday April 8
5:50-7:30PM PST
6:50-8:30PM MST
7:50-9:30PM CST
8:50-10:30PM EST


Sunday - April 10
Interactive Corporate Prayer Call
East and West Coast calls combined!

Chinese Corporate Intercession
Access Code: 800754#

Canadian Corporate Intercession
3:20PM PST
Call in: 712-775-7035
Access Code: 444928#

All are welcome to attend any of the above calls.

CedarWood Int'l

The CedarWood Pantry served a grand total of 10,927 people in 2015!
This is thanks to those of you who contribute to this effort, Pastor Matthew & Su of Bethel Chapel for allowing us to rent so much of their facility for our CedarWood programs, our amazing volunteers and of course, our CW team for making this possible!

April 11th

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Seattle, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • Shoes
  • Blankets - All sizes
  • Sleeping bags for the homeless
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers (Size 3 & up) & baby wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Vivian DuPorter at
If you would like to help with BackPack Kids, contact Ken & Kathy Rickey at 

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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