Subject: Friend, don’t wait . . . Easter’s almost here!

Dear Friend:

I hope Lent this year has been a source of deep spiritual growth and comfort for you!

As you know, Easter is coming up very soon--on A‌pril 1.

I'm emailing t‌oday to let you know we have beautiful Easter Mass cards available--absolutely free.

To order, 
Either way, there's no charge for the cards or any shipping or handling fee.
When you order, we'll send you information about how to enroll friends and family in our octave of Easter Masses. Or you can enroll loved ones by phone. The enrollment deadline is M‌arch 26.

These solemn Masses will be celebrated at our mother church in Rome before the original icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help.

May Our Lord richly bless you, and may Our Lady watch over you with a mother's care!

In Christ,
Mary C. Weaver
director of communications

P.S. Please call or email me anytime!

The Redemptorists, 3112 Seventh St. NE, 20017-149, Washington, United States
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