Subject: Hi Friend! Are you ready yet?

Hi Friend,

Just wanted to touch base with you to make sure you're ready for the
launch of the century. 25 Dollar Legacy will be launching April 27th.
Links will be turned on right at 12:00am. You will get my link minutes
prior to that. Once you get it, hurry and get in and get upgraded to catch
all the spill that is going to happen.

Have your money ready. They take Payza, CC and Real easy
to get this funded. They may even have STP when we launch but that is
still in the works.

Have you listen to the latest call yet? Click on the link below to do so now.

Get your team lined up Friend! I have been waiting for a program like
this for a long time and it's finally here!! Remember, you get paid as the positions
fill and not when you complete the matrix so with all the spillover that is going
to happen, you could be in profit without referring one person. This is the one
to get in for 2016. Even if you can't refer, get in this... trust me!!!

That's all I have for now so keep an eye out for my next email... that will have the
join link in it.

Have a great day!
