Subject: Plug into the LIVE news feeds!

Plug into the LIVE news feeds!


Here are ...

...First pictures and videos of hubs getting delivered and boxes opened...!

Click on the first news here GROUP...Private city developers telegram group…

How did we get to be so lucky?


New version 1.4 is up as of today... so are Spanish and Portuguese versions!

How did we get to be so lucky?

PS. One secret is Sean focused on 11 unit sales right up front, so that 100 cities could be activated that way very quickly...

Everything happens much more quickly that way... The results are in and that's WORTH DUPLICATING!

IN TESTING a lot of people that do their own math are purchasing dozens of units...

Without a contract in yet...

...this certainly activates entire cities quickly ...

...and it makes financial Sense on its own as well... people are finding when they do their own math...

... they are creating mining farms with these ...

...and distributing them in circles around their City...

... using Google maps to find the locations even...

What more is possible now?
