Subject: KYC video...Want to get paid by PRIME? Get online in 5 minutes or less! www.CanDoIt.LIVE


...Want to get paid by PRIME?

Watch this KYC video...

PS. [ Forwarded from Chris ]
how many TRCs has any of the 160 hubs been mining?? can someone share some stats??

W B, [1/13/21, 9:41 PM]
[ Forwarded from W B ]

Will ask but even specs sheets have been not forthcoming since September :-) (!)

Sean said:

500 kids using chat daily etc can start creating hundreds of dollars per month 500-1000 a month) Sean just confirmed...more hub density = more TRC. PrimeChat is “almost fixed” (Sean)

$1 per chat user per month ...adds up with 500 users + city overrides + instant payments + overrides all over the place...

PS Friend...

Make sure to watch this.. KYC video...
