Subject: Txt180 is DOWN

Hello Digital Card Owners

I have just learned that the service I use for text,, is down. This is the first time this has happened in the year and three months that I have used them.

The latest I have heard is that it will be down till at least some time tomorrow. The short code was suspended due to a customer's misuse of the system.

This has urged me to expedite my venture into buying my own short code so I can be independent of others. However that will be no small task.

I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.



Gabe O'Neill
President, Digital Accelerant LLC
Text Gabe to 21000 to get my digital business card.
404.210.6854 (call or text)

Digital Accelerant LLC, 94 Kipling Dr, 30132, Dallas, United States
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