Subject: TWO EVENTS This Week!!

Hello Sharks!!

On Tuesday, July 7, at 3:00PM EDT, Melinda Schmiedeknecht will be leading a webinar titled "Leveraging the Power of LinkedIn". This will apply best practices on how to engage in social media regardless of the platform, so even if you use Facebook, Instagram or any other this will have value for you. This will be a lively event as we already have 30 people signed up.

Our next networking event is on Friday, July 10 at 11:00AM EDT. This week we are adding another new twist that may reappear from time to time. In Round 3 only, instead of answering breakout questions, we are going to play "Spot the Lie". How it works is you write down four things about you (fun facts, etc) but only three of them are true. You read them out and the other members of the breakout session guess which one they think is the lie. This will be your 90 seconds that will replace you answering the breakout questions. Again, we will only do this in Round 3. But I'm telling you now so you get lots of time to think about it.

Here, as always, is the link to register to all of our events: You can also share these events easily by telling people to text NETWORK to 21000.

Just in the last two weeks, we ushered in 13 new members to "Club 21000". This is the exclusive club that gets leads delivered directly to them from their shiny new digital business cards from Digital Accelerant. I'm not sure if it was because of our "Fresh Start" sale or the fact that my buddy Pierre Michel edited this fantastic testimonial video for me. Regardless, I believe we have been validated that what we are doing is working for our clients, and bringing them business.

You can't give out your business cards, and even if you could, people don't want them. Our unique texting system makes it easy for people to remember you and get all of your information in one professional package. The built-in follow-up system is like no other. If your competition is getting them, where does that leave you? Grab a spot on my calendar and I will show you how a digital business card from Digital Accelerant will increase your bottom line.

I look forward to serving you.



Gabe O'Neill
President, Digital Accelerant LLC
Text Gabe to 90407 to get my digital business card.
404.210.6854 (call or text)

Digital Accelerant LLC, 94 Kipling Dr, 30132, Dallas, United States
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