Subject: Great SPONSOR! SPOT the LIE Returns!

Hello Sharks!!

Every week we seem to be stepping up our game!! To that end our game "SPOT the LIE!" returns for Round 3! So be prepared. Each person will come up with four fun details about themselves but one of them is not true. It will be up to the others to guess which one is the lie.

Next week's virtual networking meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 12th at 1:00PM EDT. Don't forget to register early to be eligible for the "60 for 60" drawing, as already 34 have signed up!!

Here, as always, is the link to register. 

Thanks to Steve Ferman (eTegrity) for providing the door prize for Wedesday's meeting!! (Text TECH to 21000). One LUCKY winner will walk away with a Professional Zoom Kit which includes 2 Camera Lights and a 9x15' Green Screen!!

NOTE: To be eligible to win it you MUST arrive 5 minutes early!!

You can also share our events easily by telling people to text the word NETWORK to the number 21000.

At any time you can get on my calendar to get you that digital business card that will take you to the next level!!

I look forward to serving you.



Gabe O'Neill
President, Digital Accelerant LLC
Text Gabe to 90407 to get my digital business card.
404.210.6854 (call or text)

Digital Accelerant LLC, 94 Kipling Dr, 30132, Dallas, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.