Subject: Awesome Networking Opportunity

Hello, Digital Card Owners!!

I am so excited to announce a very special networking opportunity hosted by my BNI group. Now before you start thinking this is just a recruitment play, let me tell you that as the organizer it is my intention to have an open event where everyone can do business with each other. This is a free, open-networking event where all businesses (and all networking groups) are welcome.

For you all specifically I have something very cool in mind. At my table, I will have a video camera where I will invite only my digital card owners to offer a testimonial OR yell at me because they are not getting enough business from it. Either way you get to promote yourself and I plan on using that in my marketing across all my social media channels.

This is also a great way for you all to interact with each other. You are all forward thinkers or you wouldn't have a digital card. I know quite a few of you who are already doing business with each other. Remember to text CARDS to 21000 to meet all the card owners.

You can also text BBBEVENT to 21000 to get more information on this event and share it with others.

In any case if you plan to come PLEASE register on EventBrite so we can expect you. (Did I mention it's FREE?)



Gabe O'Neill
President, Digital Accelerant LLC
Text Gabe to 21000 to get my digital business card.
404.210.6854 (call or text)
Digital Accelerant LLC, 94 Kipling Dr, 30132, Dallas, United States
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