Subject: Use the same strategies & Cheat sheets the 'Managers' use...


you may not realise it, but often the person you see with the big successful product launch hasn't done it all themselves...

it's pretty normal for product developers to get a 'Launch Manager' in to do the hard lifting when it comes to getting a product launch ready, pulling in affiliates to promote, and even keeping them promoting during the launch...

of course these guys don't come cheap, charging a hefty retainer, as well as a share of the launch profits!

making this shortcut out of reach for most new product developers...

But here's your chance to get your hands on 8+ hours of insider 'Launch Management' training from someone with a serious pedigree and proven track record!

Best of all you can snap up the whole lot for an incredible discount for the next 48 hours:

Discount Coupon - VIP48HrJM

This set of complete training courses will teach you exactly what these launch experts do to create successful launches, over and over again!

Everything is presented in an easy to understand, step-by-step way, so you can learn at your own pace.

You don't need need to spend thousands hiring a launch manager, now you have all their strategies, tips, tricks, mind maps and cheat sheets to use for yourself!

Lock in your copy now, before it's gone - CLICK HERE:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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