Subject: Scalpel or Shotgun?


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you've probably heard some guru say "it's just a number game - reach out to more prospects and you'll get more deals"...

and there's some truth to that, BUT only if you have A LOT of time to waste!

your lead prospecting should not be just going at it like a bull in a china shop with what is effectively "random" prospecting

that doesn't work...

Finding new clients should be done with laser precision -

analyzing prospects and reaching out to them by delivering REAL VALUE that is specifically matched to what that individual client needs!

you can imagine the difference that makes to your closing rate, right?

the process builds in your authority and reframes the approach from you asking for their business, to you offering to help them fix a problem they have...

now imagine having an app that lets you do all of this:

#1 - Find potential leads based on your niche and location choices

#2 - Qualifies those leads by analyzing their needs and showing you the prospects you can easily deliver valuable services to

#3 - Creates a report tailored to that prospect from a variety or service tests

#4 - Delivers that report and lets you track when to follow up

Stop the 'splatter gun', shoot and hope random prospecting approach that just wastes your time and start closing deals the easy way, by delivering value up front!

Click the link now to watch the demo video:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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